2.3-8.3 GHz



Type Cooled Coaxial
Canali 2
Polarization LHC-RHC LHC-RHC
Central frequency (GHz) 2.28 8.58
Noise temperature 40 25
Useful RF band (GHz) 2.20÷2.36 8.18÷8.98
RF filter width (MHz) 160 800
IF filter width (MHz) 160 800
Istantaneous RF band (GHz) 2.20÷2.36 8.18÷8.98
OL  frequency (GHz) 2.020 8.080
OL range (GHz) 0 0
Conversion (GHz) Single USB


Single USB


Standard parameters of the 2.3-8.3 GHz coaxial receiver

It is possible to use the receivers both together (coaxial, 2 IF outputs, one per each frequency) and separately (2 IF outputs). For the VLBI coaxial observation one channel only for each receiver is used, typically the right polarization one (this because the Mark IV can handle only 2 IF inputs).

2.3 GHz receiver scheme (green lines)


8.3 GHz receiver scheme (green lines)

The available bandwidths may be considered less then what is reported because of interferences.
