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8.1 Spectrometers

8.1.1 (Arcos)

NOTICE: this device is no longer available due to malfunctionings. A new digital spectrometer, based on ROACH boards, is being developed and is expected to be available in a few months.

Arcos (ARcetri COrrelation Spectrometer) is a digital spectrometer developed by the Osservatorio di Arcetri. It is connected to the Mark IV and receives 2x16 MHz input from the videoconverters of the terminal.

The system could handle 2x20 MHz bands, anyway the Mark IV imposes 2x0.125 ÷ 16-MHz bands (2n steps)*

The main constituents are :

bullet 2 correlation boards (2048 channels in total)
bullet 2 A/D sampler (4 channel sampler boards, 2 bit, 4 levels)


Fig. 8.1 : ARCOS correlator scheme, example at 22 GHz (bands in MHz)

* 0.125 MHz and 1 MHz band are available only with external filters, please ask if available at the site.

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