VLBI Software Documentation

Field System

SNAP Commands

W. E. Himwich and N. R. Vandenberg


Operations Manual

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Version 9.3

Space Geodesy Program September 1, 1997

Table of Contents

bullet 1.0 SNAP Command Syntax
bullet2.0 On-Line Help bullet3.0 SNAP Command Descriptions

1.0 SNAP Command Syntax

This manual contains detailed descriptions of the SNAP commands available in the Field System. Each command is described on a separate page. Commands are ordered alphabetically.

Please refer to the SNAP Language manual for the specifications of the language itself, including a description of control commands and general syntax.

The subsections of this first section contain reference information that applies to many commands.

1.1 Command Descriptions

In this manual, each command is described on a separate page. For each command, the information is provided:

command - function (equipment)

The command name and a few words that describe its function are given at the top of each page. If the command is restricted to certain types of equipment, that information is given in parentheses. For example, the rec command is applicable only to VLBA drives, and the title will include the words (VLBA drive). Most commands have no restrictions, although they may behave slightly differently for different equipment. Mark III commands are applicable to Mark IV unless there is a separate Mark IV command description.

Syntax: command=list of parameters

The command syntax is shown first. The command name and the list of parameters are shown. The various forms of the command are described in the Comments section. Any combination of upper case and lower case letters may be used in typing a command. All commands are converted to lower case before they are processed.

Response: command/list of response parameters

The response (if any) to the command is given with the list of parameters appearing in the response. Normally the response to a command has an identical list of parameters to the command itself, followed by any monitor parameters. All responses to commands are displayed in lower case letters only.

Settable parameters:

This part of the page describes each parameter in the "Syntax" line that can be specified by the operator. The allowable range of values for each parameter is given. The default value, if any, is given. A default value is obtained by entering a null for a particular parameter. The parameter value specified in the previous issuing of this command may be obtained by entering * instead of a value. Entering ? as the first parameter results in a response containing the parameters specified in the most recent issuance of this command. If any parameter value is found to be invalid, command interpretation stops at that point and an error message is generated.

Monitor-only parameters:

Each parameter in the "Response" that does not appear in the "Syntax" is described in this section. These are parameters that cannot be specified by the operator, but are monitored or calculated by the Field System.


The final section of the page provides further descriptions of the way in which the command works. These comments often describe the algorithm that was used in implementing the command, and outline specific conditions under which the command should be used.

1.2 MAT Module Functions

The phrase "MAT module functions available" in the comments section means that the following additional types of parameters may be used. This is available for those Mark III modules that have MAT communications.

module=test/reset Issues an MAT reset to this module only.

module=alarm Resets the alarm on this module.

1.3 MCB Module Functions

The following syntax is valid for those commands which state that "MCB module functions are available" in the Comments section of the command description.

module=addr Sends the module its base address and length. This sets the module's MCB address space.

module=test Checks the module's address. An error message in response to this command indicates that the module needs to be sent its address space.

1.4 Module and Detector Mnemonics

The Field System makes use of mnemonics for Mark III, Mark IV, S2, and VLBA equipment in SNAP commands. Displays of mnemonics are always two characters, but many forms of module names are allowed when entering commands. This is a convenience for the operator who does not have to remember the exact two-character mnemonic.

The SNAP commands that pertain to total power radiometry allow the operator to specify different detectors in the equipment. Detectors are specified by using a mnemonic. When the Field System displays mnemonics they are always two characters, but different forms of the detector names are allowed when entering commands. This is a convenience for the operator who does not have to remember the exact two-character mnemonic.

Valid mnemonics for modules and detectors are listed in the tables on the following pages.

Field System Module Mnemonics
Module Standard mnemonic Other allowed mnemonics
Mark III modules

video converters vn, n=1-f vcn, n=1-15, 1-f
IF distributor if ifd
formatter fm form
tape transport rc rec, tp, tape
high density heads hd
S/X receiver rx
IF3 distributor i3 if3,ifd3
S2 modules

tape recorder rc rec, tp, tape
VLBA modules

baseband converters bn, n=1-f bcn, bbcn, n=1-15, 1-f
IF distributor 1, channels A&B ia ifa, ifb, ib, ifab
IF distributor 2, channels C&D ic ifc, ifd, ic, ifcd
formatter fm form
tape recorder rc rec, tp, tape
Groups of modules

all modules which have been set up
odd video or baseband converters
even video or baseband converters

Field System Detector Mnemonics
Detector Standard mnemonic Other allowed mnemonics
Mark III detectors

video converters vn, n=1-f vcn, n=1-15,1-f
IF distributor channel 1 i1 if1
IF distributor channel 2 i2 if2
IF3 distributor i3 if3
S2 detectors


VLBA detectors

baseband converters, USB nu, n=1-f bnu, bcnu, bbcnu,


baseband converters, LSB nl, n=1-f bnl, bcnl, bbcnl,


IF distributor 1, channel A ia ifa
IF distributor 1, channel B ib ifb
IF distributor 2, channel C ic ifc
IF distributor 2, channel D id ifd
Groups of detectors

all odd video converters
all even video converters
all odd baseband converters USB
all odd baseband converters LSB
all even baseband converters USB
all even baseband converters LSB

2.0 On-Line Help

The entire documentation for each command is available as on-line help in the Field System. The help command will display the information for a specified command on the screen during Field System operations. The information that is listed is identical to that found on the pages of this manual.

Refer to the page with the help command description.

3.0 SNAP Command Descriptions

antenna - direct line to the antenna

Syntax: antenna=message,message, ...

Response: antenna/response,response, ...

Settable parameters:

message message to be sent to the antenna in the exact form required by the pointing software. Each message between commas will be sent separately.

Monitor-only parameters:

response response of the antenna to the message. This response is either ack or an error message sent by the antenna.

azeloff - az-el source position offset

Syntax: azeloff=az,el

Response: azeloff/az,el

Settable parameters:

az Offset in azimuth, in numeric angle/degrees format. Response is in decimal degrees.

el Offset in elevation, in numeric angle/degrees format. Response is in decimal degrees.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The antenna will move to the offset position when this command is issued. To return to the on-source position, issue this command with zero offsets.

bbcnn - baseband converter (VLBA rack)

Syntax: bbcnn=freq,ifsource,bwu,bwl,avper,gainmode,gainu,gainl

Response: bbcnn/freq,ifsource,bwu,bwl,avper,gainmode,gainu,gainl,


nn is the BBC index number corresponding to its position in the rack, 01 to 14. Not all racks have all BBCs.

Settable Parameters:

freq L.O. frequency in MHz, between 450.00 and 1050.00, inclusive. No default. This frequency range is greater than the normal range over which the BBC is specified to lock (500 to 1000 MHz) to allow for testing.

ifsource I.F. input source, one of A, B, C, D. No default.

bwu Bandwidth for USB in MHz. One of 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. Default 2.

bwl Bandwidth for LSB in MHz. One of 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. Default bwu.

avper Averaging period in seconds for TPI. May be 0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, or 60 seconds. A value of 0 results in 1/80 sec averaging time. Default 1. The averaging period is common to both upper and lower sideband. The averaging period is synchronous with the 1 pps.

gainmode Gain control mode, either agc or man. Use agc (default) for automatic gain control, man to set a gain value. The gain mode is common to both sidebands.

gainu Gain value for USB. This is a valid parameter only if gainmode is man. May be any value between -99.0 dB and 12.0 dB. Step size is linear in voltage. The actual gain setting is reported as a monitor value. Default is the current USB gain level. This parameter is not implemented.

gainl Gain value for LSB. This is a valid parameter only if gainmode is man. May be any value between -99.9 dB and 12.0 dB. Step size is linear in voltage. The actual gain setting is reported as a monitor value. Default is the current LSB gain level. This parameter is not implemented.

Monitor-only Parameters:

lock L.O. lock status, lock or unlock.

USBpwr Power in upper sideband in counts. Range 0 to 65535, nominal operating level is 16000.

LSBpwr Power in lower sideband in counts. Range 0 to 65535, nominal operating level is 16000.

serno Module serial number, decimal.

err Module timing error indication, 1pps or no 1pps.


This command sets up the baseband converters in the VLBA rack. This command is analagous to the Mark III vcnn commands.

Unlike the output of most other commands which have no embedded blanks, the output for this command is columized for easy reading of gains and power levels.

MCB module functions are available. See section 1.0 of this manual.

The power-up setting for the gain control is manual control with a value of +6 dB. If the IF level is nominal coming in to the BBC then the operating level for the AGC is +6 dB. Normal setting during an experiment is agc.

To hold the gain at a given value, switch to man gain control. The gain value will stay at the value it had when the AGC was changed to man. Then use agc to return to AGC control. This method is used for radiometry by onoff and fivpt.

On terminals wired like the geodetic racks, the following table shows which BBCs have which IF inputs available.

BBC-to-IF input availability
BBC numbers IF input channels
1, 2 A, B, C, D
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 A, C
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 B, D

CAUTION: This command does not check whether you have specified a valid IF source for the BBC.

beam - set beamsize for flux command

Syntax: beam1=angle







Response: beam1/angle







Settable parameters:

angle full-width half maximum beam size, displayed in decimal degrees of arc.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The beam1/2/3 and beama/b/c/d commands are applicable for Mark III and VLBA systems, respectively. The command pairs beam1/a, beam2/b, and beam3/c are synonomous.

The beam size for the sky frequency for each IF channel may be specified with these commands. The commands flux1/2/3 and fluxa/b/c/d use the sizes specified as beam1/2/3 and beama/b/c/d, respectively, to calculate the apparent flux.

There is no default for the beam size unless the appropriate IF distributor command (ifd or if3 for Mark III systems, ifab or ifcd for VLBA systems) and the lo and upconv commands have been issued. If these commands have been issued, then the beam size will default to the beam size calculated from the appropriate LO and upconverter frequencies and the antenna diameter found in the antenna.ctl control file. The formula is:

beam size (radians) = 1.05*c/(freq*diaman)

Issuing a beamx=... command will change the calculated values of the fluxx command to invalid quantities. Reissue a corrrect fluxx=... command to recalculate fluxes.

bit density - recording bit density (VLBA drive)

Syntax: bit density=bpi

Response: bit density/bpi

Settable parameters:

bpi Bit density in bits per inch.

Monitor-only parameters: none


This command specifies the total bit density including all header and parity bits. The specified bit density and the formatter set-up determine the default speed for the st command.

The bit density can be set to any positive value less than 232. Useful values are 33333 for Mark III data-replacement format and 34020 for the VLBA non-data-replacement format. Useful values are 56250 for Mark III data-replacement format and 56700 for the VLBA non-data-replacement format at high density (thin tape).

When calculating speeds from bit densities it is useful to remember that for a nominal per track bit rate of 4 MBit/sec, the Mark III data-replacement format actually generates 4.5 MBit/sec and the VLBA non-data-replacement format generates 4.536 MBit/sec.

break - stop the current procedure

Syntax: break

Response: none

Comments: The currently-executing procedure is stopped after the current command is finished. The procedure stack is popped to the next higher level. This is an immediate execution command.

NOTE: This command is not implemented.

cable - get the cable cal reading

Syntax: cable=message

Response: cable/value

Settable parameters:

message ASCII character to be sent to counter.

Monitor-only parameters:

value cable cal reading


When issued with no parameters this command sends a request for a reading to the HPIB counter which is connected to the phase cal cable measurement system.

The ibad.ctl control file must contain an entry with mnemonic CA and the device name.

If your counter returns a non-standard response, you can control the parsing of the response, by placing the uncommented line below in your stcmd.ctl file:

*command seg sbpa bo eq

cable qkr 13xx 01 FF

Where the value xx is the character position to started decoding the response at. The normal cable command uses xx=04. If xx=00, the cable command will try to find the right place to begin decoding the response at on its own, looking for the first character that might be part of a number. You can examine the response from the counter to determine where to begin the decoding by reading it back with an hpib=ca command.

cal - turn cal signal on or off

Syntax: cal=on/off

Response: none

Settable parameters:

on/off on to turn cal on, off to turn off. No default.

Monitor-only parameters: none

Comments: This command sets a VHF switch on the HPIB. The ASCII message is A1 to turn cal on, A2 to turn cal off. The ibad.ctl control file must contain an entry with the mnemonic CL and the device name.

caltemp - set noise cal temperatures

Syntax: caltemp1=temp







Response: caltemp1/temp







Settable parameters:

temp temperature of cal signal, in degrees K.

Monitor-only parameters: none


Calibration temperatures, for either Mark III or VLBA systems, may be specified with the caltemp1/2/3 and caltempa/b/c/d commands, respectively. The commands tsys1/2/3 and tsysa/b/c/d use the temperatures specified as caltemp1/2/3 and caltempa/b/c/d respectively. The command pairs caltemp1/a, caltemp2/b, and caltemp3/c are synonomous.

check - modules to be checked by chekr

Syntax: check=list

Response: check/list

Settable parameters:

list The list of mnemonics for modules to be checked. Only mnemonics for the equipment identified in the equip.ctl control file are valid in this command. Standard module mnemonics are allowed. If the list of modules to be checked is empty, then chekr will not check any modules.

Monitor-only parameters: none


As modules are set up by SNAP commands, they are automatically added to the list of modules being checked by chekr. This command can be used to remove and reinstate modules on the list.

The entire list of modules to be checked may always be specified by listing the appropriate modules. However, the list of modules already being checked may also be modified by entering * as the first parameter, followed by the list of modules to be added or deleted from the existing list. Deletion is indicated by a leading minus sign. For example,


will cause the IF distributor to be added to the list of modules being checked and the tape transport to be removed from the list, while the check status of all other modules remain unchanged.

If no modules are currently being checked then the word disabled is displayed.

The displayed list of modules always consists of the standard 2-character mnemonic, i.e. the ones listed on the reference page at the front of this manual. Station-specific mnemonics may be used for station-specific modules.

Note: In the current Field System version, for VLBA systems, the head position is checked but only some of the DAR module and REC functions are checked.

cont - continue schedule execution after a halt

Syntax: cont

Response: none

Parameters: none


This command must be issued after a halt to get the schedule going again. It has no effect if no halt was actually issued. This is an immediate execution operator command.

data valid - data valid flag control (S2 drive)

Syntax: data valid=record,playback

Response: data valid/record,playback

Settable parameters:

record Flag is on (default) or off.

playback Playback enable is use (default) or ignore.

Monitor-only parameters: None.


This command can be used to set and monitor the value of the data valid and playback enable flags written to the tape.

date - display current year and day of year

Syntax: date

Response: date/year,day

Settable parameters: None.

Monitor-only parameters:

year Current year.

day Current day of year.


This command is included to allow display of the year and day of year in the log display window, which normally only shows the hour, minutes, ands seconds of the log entry time tags. The year and day of year are guaranteed to be consistent with the displayed hour, minutes, and seconds of the log entry time-tag for the response.

decode - decoder control and monitor (Mark III rack)

Syntax: decode=channel,mode,counter

Response: decode/channel,mode,data

Settable parameters:

channel Channel a (default) or b to be decoded.

mode Type of data to be read. Choices are auxilliary data, synch, crc word, time, data bits, or error counts (default).

counter Error counter control: byte (default), frame, reset.

Monitor-only parameters:

data Data returned according to mode specified in control command.

err sspppppp (s=synch errors, p=parity errors) Note that monitored error values are error counts, not rates.

syn 8 - character synch word

time two words: ydddhhmm and sssssccc, where ccc = checksum

data three sets of 32 data bits

aux two sets of 8 characters of auxiliary data

crc pass/fail for CRC check


MAT module functions available. CRC check is reliable only in bypass reproduce mode.

Most Mark III drives cannot decode in double speed, so this command will probably fail in this mode. Old VLBA drives that use the Mark III bit synchronizer may have this problem also.

dqa - data quality analyzer (VLBA rack)

Syntax: dqa=duration

Response: dqa/duration,Asampler,Atrack,Aparity,Aresync,Anosync,Acalamp,


Settable Parameters:

duration The duration of the analysis in seconds. Default 1 sec, max 5 seconds. Set up the command with dqa=duration. Subsequent commands dqa will make a measurement. For each measurement, the DQA module is started, allowed to run for duration and then stopped. The accumulated counters are then read out.

Monitor-only Parameters:

Asampler Sampler for the A channel signal, 0 if unknown or in the form nnsd, nn=baseband converter number, s=sideband u or l, d=data sample bit m or s.

Atrack Track with the A channel signal on it, as set up in the repro command.

Aparity Measured parity error rate for A channel, per Mbyte.

Aresync Measured resync rate for A channel, per Mbyte.

Anosync Measured nosync rate for A channel, per Mbyte.

Acalamp Measured phase calibrator amplitude for A channel, in units of voltage percentage.

Acalphs Measured phase calibrator phase for A channel, degrees.

Bsampler Sampler of the B channel signal, 0 if unknown or in the form nnsd, nn=baseband converter number, s=sideband u or l, d=data sample bit m or s.

Btrack Track with the B channel signal on it, as set up in the repro command.

Bparity Measured parity error rate for B channel, per Mbyte.

Bresync Measured resync rate for B channel, per Mbyte.

Bnosync Measured nosync rate for B channel, per Mbyte.

Bcalamp Measured phase calibrator amplitude for B channel, in units of voltage percentage.

Bcalphs Measured phase calibrator phase for B channel, degrees.


The data quality analyzer (DQA) is a formatter sub-module. It extracts phase cal and measures parity errors and re-synch rates. The dqa command is comparable to the Mark III decode command plus the capabilities of program pcalr. Normally you would use the check2c1/2 procedures during Field System operations.

Channels A and B are the recorded tracks as specified in the repro command. To measure parity errors, the tape should be moving (use the st command) with record disabled. The phase cal can be measured in bypass or reproduce mode. For bypass measurements, the group enables must be turned on with the enable command, and the general record enable must be turned on with the st command.

The sampler reported for a track is determined from the set-up of the cross-point switch by the form command. If barrel-rolling and/or fan-in or -out are enabled, the displayed source will be the nominal source for that track, but may not actually correspond to the data analyzed. If fan-out is being used in a system with an analog cross-point switch, the reported source will be zero for tracks beyond the first in a fan-out group.

Phase-cal results will be meaningless for the following cases: fan-out, fan-in, barrel-rolling enabled, VLBA format, tracks that contain magnitude bits.

The output from this command is columized for easy reading when there are no errors, i.e., in bypass mode.

echo - echo communications

Syntax: echo=set

Response: none

Settable parameters:

set on to turn echo on, off to turn off (default). Any external communications are echoed in the log display window.

Monitor-only parameters: none


Immediate execution operator command for MAT and/or MCB and/or RCL communications and, at some stations, antenna communications also.

For MCB communications, each byte is displayed as

bytes sent to the MCB [nxx]

bytes received from the MCB <nxx>

where n is normally a blank. n is + for the first byte of the address when data is being written to the module. The address or data is xx, represented as two hex characters. MCB control bytes are displayed with special 3-letter mnemonics:

[SYN] hex 16 synchronization byte

<ACK> hex 06 acknowledge

<NAK> hex 15 not acknowledge

<DC1> hex 11 data control 1

<DC2> hex 12 data control 2

For MAT communications, most of the data bytes are printable ASCII characters which are displayed simply as the character. The unprintable ASCII characters are displayed as [xxx], where xxx is shown in the table below. The "del" character (127) is displayed as [del].

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

nul soh stx etx eot enq ack bel bs ht

1 lf vt ff cr so si dle dc1 dc2 dc3

2 dc4 nak syn etb can em sub esc fs gs

3 rs us

For RCL communications, each piece of information is displayed as

information sent to the RCL [xxx]

information received from the RCL <xxx>

where xxx is a representation of the data in an appropriate format. Information going to the RCL is always displayed in order of: the name of the command being sent followed by the parameters for that command. Information returned by the RCL is always displayed in the order of: the error response code, and if there is no error, the parameter values returned in the response. The names of the commands, and the order of the parameters sent and received is the same as that in ISTS's S2-RT User's Manual, Appendix A. In addition whenever possible menomonics are substituted for numeric parameters. Error and parameter menonics correspond closely to those in the appendix of ISTS's manual. Remote errors are displayed as numeric values until a successful ERROR DECODE command has been completed for that error code. Effectively this means that the mnemomic is not used in the display of remote errors until the second time the error is encountered after the most recent Field System start. If the value of a parameter that is normally displayed as menomic doesn't correspond to the value of a known mnemonic for that parameter, the hex value will be displayed.

For the TIME READ command the Field System's raw times immediately before and after the call to rcl time read are displayed in curly braces {} immediately after the returned data. The Field System's raw time is the number of centiseconds since the last boot.

enable - enable record tracks (Mark III drive)

Syntax: enable=track1,track2, ... trackn

Response: enable/track1,track2, ... trackn

Settable parameters:

track1, ... n List of tracks to be enabled/disabled. Mark III track numbers between 1 and 28, and by group. Groups specified by gn, n=1 to 4:

g1 includes tracks 1,3,5,7,11,13.

g2 includes tracks 2,4,6,8,10,12,14.

g3 includes tracks 15,17,19,21,23,25,27.

g4 includes tracks 16,18,20,22,24,26,28.

A null list (i.e. enable=) disables all tracks.

Monitor-only parameters: none


MAT module functions available. The use of * as a parameter is not supported by this command.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses Mark III track and group numbers.

enable - enable record tracks (VLBA drive)

Syntax: enable=list-of-groups

Response: enable/list-of-groups

Settable parameters:

list-of-groups List of track groups to be enabled/disabled. Groups are specified by gn, n=0 to 3. A null list (i.e. enable=) disables all tracks. For mode D, a single track to be recorded may be indicated by setting list-of-groups to dn, n = 1 to 28. The group within which Mark III track n occurs will be enabled.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The use of * as a parameter is not supported by this command.

This command enables groups of tracks in the VLBA recorder. Tracks may not be individually enabled. The form command sets up the track assignments with the cross-point switch. In mode D, an entire group of tracks is enabled. The VLBA form command must be used to specify which track so that only that track has data going to it. It is not possible to record in mode D for a Mark III rack/VLBA drive combination.

g0 includes Mark III tracks 1,3,5,7,11,13.

g1 includes Mark III tracks 2,4,6,8,10,12,14.

g2 includes Mark III tracks 15,17,19,21,23,25,27.

g3 includes Mark III tracks 16,18,20,22,24,26,28.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses VLBA group numbers.

enable - enable record tracks (Mark IV drive)

Syntax: enable=stack1,stack2

Response: enable/stack1,stack2

Settable parameters:

stack1,stack2 Stack to be enabled. May be s1 (stack1), s2 (stack2), or null.

Monitor-only parameters: none


MAT module functions available. The use of * as a parameter is not supported by this command.

et - end recording on tape drive

Syntax: et

Response: et/acknowledgement

Parameters: none


Tape motion is stopped when this command is issued. For Mark III, the record bit is disabled. For Mark IV, the enabled heads are not changed. For VLBA, no change is made in the track group enables. Reproduce mode is not changed; the low tape sensor is not changed.

For Mark IV, see the st command for how to set up bypass mode.

For S2, the selected transports are stopped.


For Mark III, when et is issued the following MAT commands are sent.

#94=%0xxxxxxx$ turn general enable bit off, same enabled tracks

#94=)07200000$ send stop command, with standard rate generator

For Mark IV, when et is issued the following MAT commands are sent.

#94=%0xxxxxxx$ turn general enable bit off, same enabled tracks

#94=)08530000$ send stop command, with standard rate generator

ff - fast-forward the tape

Syntax: ff

Response: ff/acknowledgement

Parameters: none


The tape is moved forward at high speed. For Mark III, the record bit is disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on. For VLBA, all track groups are disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on.

For S2 drives, the selected transports are moved forward at the transport's fast forward speed.

For drives other that the S2, the tape is moved at the "schedule" speed value as specified in the equip.ctl control file. This is the speed assumed in the SNAP schedule file for positioning the tape with the fastf procedure.

Use the sff command and sfastf procedure for possibly faster tape motion.

fivept - five or more point source scan

Syntax: fivept=axis,rep,pts,stp,intp,dev

Response: fivept/axis,rep,pts,stp,intp,dev,cal,beam,flux

Settable parameters:

axis Axis system for scan.

hadc = Hour Angle/Declination (default)

azel = Azimuth/Elevation

xyns = X/Y, +X East

xyew = X/Y, +X South (unimplemented)

rep Number of repetitions: -10 to -1 and 1 to 10 allowed. Default is -2. Negative repetition counts are described in the fivpt manual.

pts Number of points on each axis, if even, it is increased by 1. pts must be between 3 and 31. Default is 7.

stp Step size for distance between points, in multiples of a beamwidth. Default is 0.5.

intp Integration period, 1 to 10 seconds.

dev Mnemonic for the device to be used as the detector. Standard devices are allowed. Note that for Mark III equipment, the video converter USB or LSB was set up with the vc command. The module which has the specified detector must have been set up. The IF distributor must be set up and, for Mark III, must be in remote. Default detector is i1 for Mark III, ia for VLBA.

Display-only parameters:

cal Calibration noise source temperature in degrees K. This is determined from the last caltempx commands in conjunction with the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command for the specified device.

beam The full width half maximum beam size degrees. This is determined from the last beamx commands in conjunction with the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command.

flux The apparent flux of the source. This is determined from the last fluxx commands in conjunction with the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command.


The parameters should be setup with a fivept=... command. A scan is started by issuing a simple fivept command (i.e. with no parameters), this will determine the current values of the display only parameters and then schedule an external program, fivpt, which then uses the Field System to perform the necessary measurements. fivpt must be included in the fspgm.ctl control file so that it will automatically be initialized when the Field System is started. See the fivept manual in Volume 2.

The scan is performed about the current commanded position. Any offsets that are in use are included. If the scan is successful the total offsets for the selected axis type are updated.

It is recommended that nothing else be done, e.g. running a schedule, while this command is executing. Since this command may run for an extended period of time, a mechanism has been supplied for aborting: enter sy=brk fivpt. The program will then return the antenna to the last good offset for each axis. If there was no good offset measurement on an axis, then the original offset is used.

In order for this command to work, the following conditions must be met: (1) the detector device have been setup by the Field System, (2) the lo and upconv commands have been issued, (3) the IF distributor or IF3 module has been setup by the Field System and is in remote (Mark III only), (4) the appropriate beamx=... and caltempx=.... must have been issued. If a Mark III video converter is used as the detector then the patch command must have been issued as well. If estimates of performance based on the source flux are desired, then the appropriate fluxx=... command must have been issued as well.

Two procedures must be available: calonfp and calofffp, which are used by fivpt to turn the noise diode on and off respectively. The recommended form for these procedures is:

calonfp: calon


sy=go fivpt &

calofffp: caloff


sy=go fivpt &

calon and caloff are local procedures that do whatever is necessary to turn the noise source on and off.

flush - flush operator command stream

Syntax: flush

Response: none

Parameters: none


This command re-initializes the operator procedure stack, unblocks the operator command stream, and terminates execution of the current procedure in the operator stream. There is no effect on the schedule command stream. This is an immediate execution operator command.

flux - set flux parameters for a source

Syntax: flux1=model,flux1,angle1,angle2,flux2,angle3,angle4







Response: flux1/model,flux1,angle1,angle2,flux2,angle3,angle4,














Settable parameters:

model source model, one of gaussian, disk, twopoints

flux1 flux density of the first source component, Janskys

angle1 first angular dimension of the first component

angel2 second angular dimension of the first component

flux2 flux density of the second source component, Janskys

angle3 first angular dimension of the second component

angle4 second angular dimension of the second component

Monitor-only parameters:

corr correction divisor

aflux apparent flux density


Source models, for either Mark III or VLBA systems, may be specified with the flux1/2/3 and fluxa/b/c/d commands, respectively. The pairs of commands flux1/a, flux2/b, and flux3/c are synonymous.

The commands fluxx use the source model and the beam size specified by the corresponding beamx to calculate the apparent flux density. The parameter model determines which model is used and which parameters have meaning. Parameters which have no meaning for a given model will not be displayed before the corr parameter.

If model is gaussian, then the source is assumed to consist of up to two, possibly elliptical, Gaussian brightness distributions. flux1 gives the flux density value for the first component. angle1 and angle2 specify the diameters along the two principal axes. angle2 defaults to angel1. flux2 gives the flux density value for a second concentric optional Gaussian distribution, default value 0. angle3 and angle4 give the principal axes of the second component. angle4 defaults to angle3.

If model is twopoints, then the source is assumed to consist of two equally bright points. flux1 is the total flux density of the two points. angel1 is their angular separation.

If model is disk, then the source is assumed to consist of a uniform circular disk brightness distribution. flux1 is the total flux density. angel1 is the diameter of the disk.

Once the model is specified, the fluxx command will use the appropriate beam size to calculate the apparent flux density of the source when the beam is centered on the brightness distribution. The approximations given in Dave Shaffer's antenna check-out memo (see the Antenna Performance manual) are used to compensate for the finite size of the sources relative to the beam. Note that these are only approximations and become very poor as the correction divisor approaches a value of two. Further note that very few sources are correctly represented by one of these three models. This command gives a crude approximation to the true apparent flux density.

Issuing a source=... or a beamx=... command will automatically change the value of the aflux parameters to be a negative, invalid, number until a correct fluxx=... command is issued again. It is recommended that procedures that include the source=... command and the appropriate fluxx=... commands be used to command sources when doing flux density measurements.

See the description of the fivept and onoff commands for more details on the use of the apparent flux density values.

form - formatter control and monitor (Mark III rack)

Syntax: form=mode,rate,input,synch,aux

Response: form/mode,rate,input,synch,test,sign,run/set,rem/lcl,


Settable parameters:

mode Matrix output mode to tape. Choices are a, b, c, d. Default b.

rate Sample rate in Mbits/sec. Choices are 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0. Default 4.0.

input Source of data. Choices are nor (default), ext, crc.

aux Auxiliary data, up to 12 hex characters. Default is no change. If more than 12 characters are given, only the first 12 are used. If aux has been specified either now or implicitly by a pass, lvdt, or stack command, then the parity command will check its validity.

synch Synch test on (default) or off.

Monitor-only parameters:

test synch test fail or ok

sign synch voltage + or -

run/set switch setting run or set

rem/lcl switch setting, rem or lcl

pwr power interrupt detected, ok or pwr

daytime clock reading in format: ydddhhmmss.ss


MAT module functions available.

It may take the formatter up to 4 seconds to re-synch itself if a change is made to a low sample rate. During this time the read-back may not be accurate. This module must be reset manually using the front panel pushbutton in order to clear error conditions; then turn off alarm remotely. The eight LEDS on the rear panel of the formatter give some error conditions which are not available remotely.

The auxiliary data field for the formatter is automatically filled with the tape head offset by the pass, lvdt, and stack commands.

form - formatter setup (Mark IV rack)

Syntax: form=mode,rate,fan,barrel

Response: form/mode,rate,fan,barrel,rev,rack,error

Settable Parameters:

mode The recording mode,choices for the mode are m, a, b1, b2, c1, c2, e1, e2, e3, e4, and dn, where n=1 to 28. No default. Modes a, b, b1, b2, c1, c2, e1, e2, e3, e4 and dn correspond to the traditional Mark III modes. For the bx and cx modes, x corresponds to the sub-pass recorded (odd Mark III tracks for b1 and c1, even Mark III passes for b2 and c2). For the dn modes, n corresponds to the Mark III track number recorded. For the ex modes, x corresponds to the Mark III group number recorded. Mode m uses the sampler track assignments and formatter track enables specified by the trackform and tracks commands.

rate Sample rate in Mbits/sec. Choices are 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. Default 4. For Nyquist sampling this selection must be twice the bandwidth set-up used in the bbc commands

fan The fan-in or fan-out ratio. Currently, the only choices are 1:4, 1:2, and 1:1, where on a per channel or track basis, the number before the colon is the number of sampled channels and the number after is the number of tracks. Default 1:1.

barrel Barrel-roll mode. Currently the only choice is off, which is the default.

Monitor-only Parameters:

rev Formatter firmware revision number as an integer.

rack Rack ID, reported as a hex value.

error Error status, okay or the hex value.


The Mark IV formatter clock is set with the fmset program. After setting or resetting the formatter time, issue a

sy=run setcl offset & command to reset the Field System time.

Since the Mark IV recorder does not include group enables, some of the traditional Mark III mode names used in mode have numbers appended to them to distinguish which sub-pass, group, or track is being recorded.

Some combinations of rate and fan cannot be accommodated by the formatter. No output that would require more than 16 MHz nominal data rate per track is supported. Specifically a rate of 32 and a fan of 1:1 is impossible. Some combinations of fan and rate cannot be accommodated by the recorder. Any combination of rate and fan that would imply a nominal data rate per track of 0.125 MHz or less for high density recording (thin tape) is not supported. Any combination of rate and fan that would imply a nominal date rate per track of less than 0.125 MHz for low density recording (thick tape) is not supported.

For the time-being, in order to help facilitate debugging of the formatter in the field, the status of the setable parameters is logged when the formatter set-up is changed. This information is logged in the form of the output of the low-level MAT commands that return this information. Additionally, whenever the formatter times out or reports an unknown command error (error "7"), the command that resulted in the time-out or the unknown command error response is logged. These debugging features will be removed in a subsequent version.

chekr does not currently support checking of the formatter. However, the set-up of the formatter can be monitored by entering a form command. If any of the displayed values do not agree with the last value commanded, then the formatter is not in the last commanded state.

form - formatter setup (VLBA rack)

Syntax: form=mode,rate,fan,barrel

Response: form/mode,rate,fan,barrel,rev,genstat,mcbstat,hdwstat,sfwstat,intstat

Settable Parameters:

mode The recording mode, reboot (see below) to reboot the CPU, or configure to cause the formatter to perform a hardware configuration. Choices for the mode are prn, v, m, a, b, b1, b2, c, c1, c2, and dn, where n=1 to 28. Default b. Modes prn, m, a, b, b1, b2, c, c1, c2, and dn imply Mark III data replacement format. prn selects pseudo random noise to be sent to all tracks including system tracks. Modes a, b, and c correspond to the traditional Mark III modes. Mode dn is the same as Mark III mode D, where n corresponds to the Mark III track on which the data are written. Mode v implies VLBA non-data replacement format. Modes b1 and c1 are the same as the even VLBA recorder tracks of modes b and c respectively; b2 and c2 are for odd VLBA recorder tracks. Modes m and v use the sampler track assignments and formatter track enables specified by the trackform and tracks commands. The system tracks are disabled except in prn mode.

rate Sample rate in Mbits/sec. Choices are 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. Default 4. For Nyquist sampling this selection must be twice the bandwidth set-up used in the bbc commands

fan The fan-in or fan-out ratio. Choices are 1:4, 1:2, 2:1, and 4:1, where on a per channel or track basis, the number before the colon is the number of sampled channels and the number after is the number of tracks. Default 1:1.

barrel Barrel-roll mode. Choices are: off, 8:1, and 16:1, where the number before the colon is the number of tracks to roll-over. Default off.

Monitor-only Parameters:

rev Formatter firmware revision number, displayed as x.xx.

genstat General status, ok or the hex value of hex address 20.

mcbstat Communications status, ok or the hex value of hex address 21.

hdwstat Hardware status, ok or the hex value of hex address 22.

sfwstat Software status, ok or the hex value of hex address 23.

intstat Internal status, ok or the hex value of hex address 24.


rate and fan combinations that imply more than 8 Mbits/sec of data per tape track or less than 0.25 Mbits/second of data per tape track are not permitted. The tape clock rate is set to be 9/8 of the implied data bit rate per track for Mark III modes, and 9.072/8 of the impled bit-rate per track in VLBA mode.

This command syntax applies to VLBA formatters only. The many possible error conditions for the formatter are monitored and reported by chekv (not yet implemented).

MCB functions are available. The formatter CPU can be reset manually. After manual reset you must issue the command form=addr to re-initialize the module.

CAUTION: Issuing this command with an equals, =, causes a formatter reconfiguration which will put the formatter into a busy state for up to 8 seconds.

The VLBA formatter clock is set with the fmset program. After setting or resetting the formatter time, issue a sy=run setcl offset command to reset the Field System time.

In VLBA mode the serial status register is loaded with the hardware ID (from equip.ctl) in the most significant byte and the micron position of the head is stored in BCD in the two least significant bytes; negative values are indicated by the highest order bit of these two bytes being turned on. In Mark III modes the hardware ID is placed in the second most significant byte of the serial status register.

If the requested sampler track assignments and formatter track enables would imply use of only odd or even recorder tracks only and the head.ctl control files indicates that only even or odd tracks are to be used, the sampler assignments and enables are automatically mapped to the corresponding even or odd tracks. If both odd and even tracks are used and/or the head.ctl specifies all heads are to be used, no mapping takes place. The Mark III modes prn, a, b, c, dn assign samplers to and enable all the odd and even tracks required, so no mapping is required for these modes.

form4 - formatter control and monitor (Mark IV rack)

Syntax: form4=command

Response: form/response

Settable parameters:

command any legal command sentence as described in the Mark IV Formatter Vocabulary manual. The characters \r\n (carriage-return, line-feed) are appended before sending the command.

Monitor-only parameters:

response response to command. The >\r\n at the end of the response is not included in the Field System log. For accepted commands, which have only >\r\n as the response, the Field System logs ack.


Refer to the Mark IV Formatter Vocabulary manual for a description of all valid commands and their syntax.

This command is a simple feed-through to the Mark IV formatter. No checking is done on the command, no action is taken for any response. This form of the command is temporary while it is determined what standard parameters are desired.

The command is sent to the MAT bus just as if the operator had used the mat command. No modifications are made before the command is sent on the bus.

Use this command to set the formatter clock, with the /TI, /TR, /TA commands. After setting the formatter time, issue a sy=run setcl offset command to reset the Field System time. The fmset program may also be used to set the formatter time.


form4=/ass 0 1:2 3:4 #92/ass 0 1:2 3:4\r\n

fsversion - get field system version

Syntax: fsversion

Response: fsversion/version

Monitor-only parameters:

version field system version number.


Used to display and log version number of the currently running field system.

halt - halt execution of a schedule

Syntax: halt

Response: none


This command halts execution of the schedule until a cont command is issued by the operator. Once the current schedule command is finished, no further commands of any kind will be read from the schedule command stream while the halt is in effect. Interactive commands from the operator command stream will still be processed. This is an immediate execution operator command.

hdata - head positioner A/D data readout

Syntax: hdata

Response: hdata/hd0p,hd1p,hd0t,hd1t,vac,oddpwr,evpwr,ref

Settable parameters: none

Monitor-only parameters:

hd0p Head 0 position.

hd1p Head 1 position

hd0t Head 0 temperature

hd1t Head 1 temperature

vac Vacuum sensor

oddpwr Odd reproduce power

evpwr Even reproduce power

ref Reference voltage


MAT module functions available for Mark III. No MCB functions available.

This command reads the Head Positioner A/D channels, all values are reported in units of volts. Data from all channels are reported regardless of whether anything is hooked up to them or not. In particular, most stations do not use the temperature channels, the vacuum sensor, and normally only one of the reproduce power channels is hooked up.

The position voltages (and all others) are reported with the LVDT off. Use the lvdt command to measure positions with the LVDT on.

All parameters except oddpwr and evpwr are null if the drive type specified in the equip.ctl control file is vlba2.

hdcalc - narrow track head calibration calculation

Syntax: hdcalc


Response: hdcalc/writeF,readF,writeR,readR,writeS,readS

Settable parameters:

none, however hdcalc=clear will delete previously calculated values

Monitor-only parameters:

writeF Forward absolute offset for the write head

readF Forward absolute offset for the read head, null for VLBA

writeR Reverse relative offset for the write head

readR Reverse relative offset for the read head, null for VLBA

writeS Write head scale

readS Read head scale, null for VLBA


This command will calculate new calibration parameters based on the voltages saved with the savev command. See the Narrow Track Calibration manual for a description of the calculations. Only one scale factor is calculated for each head.

Any parameters which cannot be calculated because savev has not saved a complete set of voltages will be reported as null, i.e. empty.

The VLBA recorder has only one head. Its parameters are reported as the write head parameters and the read head parameters are null.

hecho - head control communications echo

Syntax: hecho=on/off

Response: hecho/on/off

Settable parameters:

on/off on to turn echo on, off to turn echo off.

Monitor-only parameters: none


This command prints debug information for commands that use the head positioner (peak and


help or ? - display on-line help information

Syntax: help=command


Response: displays information on the screen

Settable Parameters:

command The name of any SNAP command.


This command displays available information on the specified SNAP command. Either the command help or the question mark ? may be used. Typing help or ? alone gives help on help. The help information is essentially the listing of the manual page for the SNAP command.

This Field System help command opens a new xterm window and uses the less pager to display the requested help text one screen-full at a time. At the bottom of the window you will see a prompt in inverse video that includes the name of the file being displayed (which you can ignore). If you want to continue the listing, press the space bar and the next screen-full will be displayed. To exit from the command, type the letter q (not echoed on the screen). For help with less, type the letter h to the prompt. The full options of less are available including text searches and scrolling back.

In some cases statistics about where in the file the current screen-full comes from may be displayed in the prompt. In some cases, less will display only a colon : prompt.

When you see (END) in inverse video in the prompt at the bottom of the screen, you have reached the end of the help information on this topic. Press the letter q to exit. When you press q, the help

xterm window will close automatically. While the text is displayed in the window you can also use the xterm scroll bar to move around within the text.

The help information is kept in files in the directory /usr2/fs/help, one file per command. Versions for different configurations are distinguished by the two characters in the file extension for the type of hardware. The first character is for the type of rack and the second is for the type of recorder. The characters used are m for Mark III, v for VLBA, 4 for Mark IV, and for any. The content of the files is the ASCII version of the pages in this manual. Station-dependent help files are found in /usr2/st/help.

If no help is available for a command, a message to that effect will be displayed in the log output window. You will also receive this message if you request help for a command that is not defined for your equipment.

hpib - general HP interface bus communications

Syntax: hpib=mn,data

Response: hpib/data

Settable parameters:

mn 2-character mnemonic of the module to be addressed, as found in the ibad.ctl control file.

data complete message to be sent to module, if any. Talk-only modules do not accept data.

Monitor-only parameters:

data response of module, if any. Listen-only modules do not generate any response.

ifd - IF distributor control and monitor (Mark III rack)

Syntax: ifd=atten1,atten2,input1,input2

Response: ifd/atten1,atten2,input1,input2,rem/lcl,TP1,TP2

Settable parameters:

atten1 IF1 attenuator setting in db, range 0 (default) to 63 db. Enter a numerical value preceeded by + or - to indicate relative change. Other options are max, or old to restore the previous value after a max.

atten2 IF2 attenuator setting in db, range 0 (default) to 63 db. Enter a numerical value preceeded by + or - to indicate relative change. Other options are max, or old to restore the previous value after a max.

input1 IF1 input, nor (default) or alt.

input2 IF2 input, nor (default) or alt.

Monitor-only parameters:

rem/lcl switch setting, remote or local

TP1 IF1 total power reading

TP2 IF2 total power reading


MAT module functions available.

The max and old values for the attenuator parameters allow the attenuators to set to the maximum value of 63, and then returned to their previous values.

if3 - IF3 distributor (Mark III rack)

Syntax: if3=atten,mixer,sw1,sw2,sw3,sw4

Response: if3/atten,mixer,sw1,sw2,sw3,sw4,switch,freq,rem/lcl,


Settable parameters:

atten Attenuation in dB, range 0-63, default 0. Enter an integer value preceded by + or - to indicate a relative change. Other options are: max, or old to restore the previous value after max.

mixer Downconverter in or out of the signal path, default out. In response only: 11 or 00.

sw1 Switch 1 state: output to port 1 (default) or port 2.

sw2 Switch 1 state: output to port 1 (default) or port 2.

sw3 Switch 1 state: output to port 1 (default) or port 2.

sw4 Switch 1 state: output to port 1 (default) or port 2.

Monitor-only parameters:

switch present or missing.

freq Synthesizer frequency in MHz.

rem/lcl Switch setting, rem or lcl

LOlock LO lock/unlock status, lock or unlock

TPI Total power integrator reading, decimal, 0-65535.


The max and old values for atten can be used to switch in the maximum attenuation and then restore the previous (old) attenuation. This is primarily useful for system temperature measurements. See the sxcts procedure in the Standard Procedure manual for an example.

The mixer state commanded by this command and the down converter frequency specified in the equip.ctl control file are used by the pcal command to calculate the frequencies of the phase-cal tones for the video converters that are specified as connected to IF3 with the patch command. The beam3 command also uses this information to calculate the default beam size.

If the switch for the mixer is an undefined state, the mixer response is 11 or 00 depending on which incorrect state the mixer is in, see the MAT Protocol manual for details.

The monitor values of the switch settings sw1-sw4 are null (empty) if the equip.ctl file shows the switch as not connected. Only switches that have been identified as connected can be commanded. The switch monitor-only parameter indicates whether the switch box itself is installed.

The external switch settings sw1-sw4 commanded are not used to calculate the patching. The effect of the switch settings, i.e., which video converters are connected to which inputs, must be specified in the appropriate patch command.

Unless low-pass filters have been installed in some of the output channels, the IF3 module should only be used to distribute "high" 170-500 MHz IF frequencies to the video converters.

ifdab - IF distributor, channels A & B (VLBA rack)

Syntax: ifdab=attenA,attenB,inputA,inputB,avper

Response: ifdab/attenA,attenB,inputA,inputB,avper,TPA,


Settable Parameters:

attenA Attenuator setting for IF channel A. 0 (default) or 20 db. Normally this attenuator should be set to 0 so that the 20 db can be used for radiometry.

attenB Attenuator setting for IF channel B. 0 (default) or 20 db. Normally this attenuator should be set to 0 so that the 20 db can be used for radiometry.

inputA Input source for IF channel A. nor (default) for normal input, ext for front panel IF input.

inputB Input source for IF channel B. nor (default) for normal input, ext for front panel IF input.

avper Averaging period in seconds for the total power integrator. May be 0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, or 60 seconds. A value of 0 results in 1/80 sec averaging time. Default 1. The averaging period is synchronous with 1 pps.

Monitor-only Parameters:

TPA Total power in IF channel A in counts. Range 0 to 66535, nominal operating level = 16000.

TPB Total power in IF channel B in counts. Range 0 to 65535, nominal operating level = 16000.

serno Module serial number.

err Module timing error indication, 1pps or no 1pps.


This command sets up the IF distributor module that is connected to channels A and B. Use the ifdcd command to set up channels C and D. This command is analagous to the Mark III ifd command.

MCB module functions are available.

The nominal input level to the rack is -20 dbm. If this level is present then the total power will be at the nominal value and no extra attenuation will be needed.

ifdcd - IF Distributor, channels C & D (VLBA rack)

Syntax: ifdcd=attenC,attenD,inputC,inputD,avper

Response: ifdcd/attenC,attenD,inputC,inputD,avper,TPC,TPD,serno,err

Settable Parameters:

attenC Attenuator setting for IF channel C. 0 (default) or 20 db. Normally this attenuator should be set to 0 so that the 20 db can be used for radiometry.

attenD Attenuator setting for IF channel D. 0 (default) or 20 db. Normally this attenuator should be set to 0 so that the 20 db can be used for radiometry.

inputC Input source for IF channel C. nor (default) for normal input, ext for front panel IF input.

inputD Input source for IF channel D. nor (default) for normal input, ext for front panel IF input.

avper Averaging period in seconds for the total power integrator. May be 0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 40, or 60 seconds. A value of 0 results in 1/80 sec averaging time. Default 1. The averaging period is synchronous with 1 pps.

Monitor-only Parameters:

TPC Total power in IF channel C in counts. Range 0 to 66535, nominal operating level = 16000.

TPD Total power in IF channel D in counts. Range 0 to 65535, nominal operating level = 16000.

serno Module serial number.

err Module timing error indication, 1pps or no 1pps.


This command sets up the IF distributor module that is connected to channels A and B. Use the ifdab command to set up channels A and B. This command is analagous to the Mark III ifd command.

MCB module functions are available.

The nominal input level to the rack is -20 dbm. If this level is present then the total power will be at the nominal value and no extra attenuation will be needed.

label - enter tape VSN and check-label (non-S2 drive)

Syntax: label=vsn,check,type

Response: label/vsn,check,type

Settable parameters:

vsn 8 or 10-character tape VSN, e.g. HS001234

check 4-character check-label corresponding to VSN e.g. 8E45. If no check label appears on the tape, run program labck to generate it.

type thick or thin, defaults to type implied by VSN. For monitor this value only appears until the tape is loaded with a rec=load command. This parameter is not available unless vacuum switching is enabled in sw.ctl control file.


Normally used after newtape command has halted the schedule. There are two different modes of operation depending on whether the Volume Serial Number (VSN) has 8 or 10 characters. When the label command is entered directly by the operator, 8-character VSN are used. Tape number and check label must correspond or execution of schedule will not continue. The effect of this command is the same as that of cont. Digit zeros (0) and letters Os are both treated as zeros in both number and check for operator convenience.

The ten-character mode will normally be used only by the rwand programor a bar code reader. In this mode, the first eight characters of vsn correspond to the tape number, while the tenth character is used for a barcode checksum. Any other parameters are ignored. A fake, but correct, check-label code will be generated if the barcode checksum is correct.

For VLBA drives and specially equipped Mark IV drives that use vacuum switching, this command is used specify whether the thick or thin vacuum level (and for VLBA drives thickness parameters as well) are commanded. Please see the rec command for more details.

label - enter tape VSN and type (S2 drive)

Syntax: label=vsn,type,code

Response: label/vsn,type,code

Settable parameters:

vsn up to 20 character VSN, e.g., CA-1-0012305

type one or six character tape type, e.g., 1, or 010020, may be omitted if code is csa. If not omitted and code is csa, it must agree with the type specified in the vsn.

code tape label format, an arbitrary string up to 32 characters, default is csa.


Normally used after newtape command has halted the schedule.

If code is csa, vsn is interpreted as a CSA format, "XX-T-YYYYYZZ-N" label. The "XX-T-YYYYYZZ" part of label uniquely identifies a set of eight tapes. The check-sum in checked. If type is specified it must agree with the "T" type from the vsn, unless six characters are specified for type. If type is not specified, the single character "T" from the vsn is used as the type. The suffix "-N" must be omitted if all eight tapes in a set are loaded, even if they will not all be recorded as one group. If fewer than eight tapes are loaded, which tapes are inserted and the order of their insertion in the transports should be specified in the suffix. For example if the first four tapes in a set are inserted in order the suffix "-0123" should be used. When fewer than eight tapes are inserted they should be inserted in ascending order and must go into consecutive transports in ascending order starting with transport 0. Loading the tapes in this way and using the suffix as described is necessary in order for the correlator to load the tapes for playback based only on information available in the log. In addition, if the tapes are not inserted in consecutive transports beginning with transport 0, the schedule will probably fail.

For all other values of code, vsn may be an arbitrary string up to 20 characters long, but type must be specified in this case.

If the recorder is already recording and a tape type different than what is use is requested, no change will be made and an error will be reported.

list - display portion of currently active schedule

Syntax: list=start,#lines

Response: display of 10 lines of schedule

Settable parameters:

start place in the schedule to begin listing. May be one of the following:

null to start two lines before the line currently being executed

#line, where line is the starting line number, to start at a particular line number in a schedule

time, in standard SNAP time format, to start at the line which has a time equal to or later than time

#lines number of lines to list, default 10

Monitor-only parameters: none

Comments: Ten lines of the current schedule, with line numbers, are listed on the terminal. If the current executing line of the schedule is included in the range listed, it is identified by a leading right arrow >. Only the active schedule may be listed with this command. This is a display-only response - no information is logged.

lo - LO frequencies (Mark III rack)

Syntax: lo=chan1,chan2,chan3

Response: lo/chan1,chan2,chan3

Settable parameters:

chan1 LO frequency for IF channel 1, MHz. Default 0. Normally this is the X-band channel.

chan2 LO frequency for IF channel 2, MHz. Default 0. Normally this is the S-band channel.

chan3 LO frequency for IF channel 3, MHz. Default 0. Normally this is the high end of the X-band channel.

Monitor-only Parameters: none


This command specifies the total LO for each Mark III IF channel. If your station has an upconverter, use the upconv command to specify the frequency. If your station has the IF3 module, the frequency of the IF3 LO from the equip.ctl file and and commanded mixer state are automatically taken into account, i.e., do not include the effect of IF3 in the LO frequencies.

The LO and upconverter frequencies are used by program pcalr and by the antenna calibration programs. These values along with the video converter frequencies are used to calculate the phase calibrator tone frequencies. For Mark III systems, the patch command should also be used to specify which converters are on each IF channel.

lo - LO frequencies (VLBA rack)

Syntax: lo=chanA,chanB,chanC,chanD

Response: lo/chanA,chanB,chanC,chanD

Settable parameters:

chanA LO frequency for IF channel A, MHz. Default 0. Normally this is the X-band channel.

chanB LO frequency for IF channel B, MHz. Default 0. Normally this is the S-band channel.

chanC LO frequency for IF channel C, MHz. Default 0. Normally this is the high end of the X-band channel.

chanD LO frequency for IF channel D, MHz. Default 0.

Monitor-only Parameters: none


This command specifies the total LO for each VLBA channel. If your station has an upconverter, use the upconv command to specify the frequency.

The LO and upconverter frequencies are used by the antenna calibration programs.

locate - locate head stack position

Syntax: locate=range,nsamples,step,stack


Response: locate/range,nsamples,step,stack,peakv,mper,vltlc

Settable parameters:

range range to search over in microns. Default is 200.

nsamples Number of power samples for each measurement position. Default is 1.

step Micron step size between measurement positions. Default is 40.

stack Head stack to move: write or read. 1 and 2 may also be used to mean the write and read head stacks, respectively. Only the first character is checked. Only write is valid for VLBA recorders, this is the default. For Mark IV recorders, use write or 1 for head stack 1, read or 2 for head stack 2. Default is read for Mark III and Mark IV.

Monitor-only parameters:

peakv Peak measured voltage from power detector

mper Minimum sample voltage as a percentage of peakv

vltlc Location of the peak in positioner voltage


This command performs a coarse grid search for the largest detected power over the search range. The search is performed over a range of range microns about the initial head position. The number of positions sampled is ((2*range)/step)+1.

The actual positions at which measurements are made are not exactly step microns part. The head stack will be positioned within 5 microns of the nominal positions. This approximation is used to reduce the time moving the head stacks by not over-refining the positions of what is a coarse search anyway. In the worst (too coarse) case two positions might be step+10 microns apart.

After sampling over the complete range, locate returns the head stack to the position that gave the highest power level, makes a new measurement and reports these values for the peakv, mper, and vltlc parameters.

This command requires that the reproduce power detector be hooked-up with a reasonable amount of attenuation and that the head.ctl control file correctly identify which detector (odd or even) is in use.

This command must be issued once with parameters to set it up. Issuing the command subsequently without parameters will start a search. The tape must moving and there must be recorded data to reproduce for this command to do something useful.

See the Narrow Track Calibration manual.

log - start a new log file

Syntax: log=name

Response: log/name

Settable parameters:

name name of log file to be opened. If no directory path is specified, /log is assumed. If no extension is specified, .log is assumed.

Monitor-only parameters: none


When the Field System is initialized, log file station.log was opened or created in directory /usr2/log. If the log file requested by this command cannot be opened or created, the Field System returns to using the log file previously in use. If no log file can be successfully opened, execution of the schedule continues, but an error message is displayed on the screen every time an attempt is made to write into the log.

logout - set log output file(s)

This command is not implemented.

Syntax: logout=file,mode,bits,parity,stop


Response: logout/file,file,

Settable parameters:

dev File name for display output. This may either be a normal file, e.g., /tmp/logout, a pseudo-terminal device file that is in use as an xterm, e.g., /dev/pts011, or a serial port device file, e.g., /dev/cui1h. No default.

mode Open mode for file, one of append, write, or a valid BAUD rate: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400. The default is write. If a BAUD rate is specified it implies that the file being opened is serial device. The remaining parameters may be used to define the line protocol.

bits The number of bits per character transmitted, one of 5, 6, 7, or 8. The default is 8.

parity How parity generation is handled: none, odd, or even. The default is none.

stop The number of stop bits, one of 1 or 2. The default is 1.


Log entries are always written into the log file and sent to the display device for the ddout program. This command can be used to send the displayed output of the ddout program, both log entries and information messages (including bus communications echoing) to other terminals, devices, and files. This command is useful for recording the displayed output in a file for later examination or to direct the output to an auxiliary display.

Up to five different output files (or devices) can be in use at any time. However, only one new device can be specified per logout= command. If the logout=*, form is used, the specified file receives the display output in addition to those already doing so. If the form without the asterisk "*" as the first parameter is used, any files currently in use will be closed and the specified file will be opened. The command logout= with no parameters will close any files current receiving output.

The line protocol parameters bits, parity, and stop are useful only if the mode was specified as a valid BAUD rate. The default mode, write, will cause the specified file to be overwritten if it already exists.

If a file is not specified as an absolute pathname, i.e., without a leading slash "/", the file will be opened in the current directory that the Field System was started from, usually /usr2/oper.

Because of the mapping of all command input to lower case, it is not possible to open a file that contains any upper case letters. This files can still be opened if they are linked to a another file name that does not contain upper case letters. For example, the file /dev/ttyF01 could be linked to /dev/ttyf01 using the UNIX command: ln /dev/ttyF01 /dev/ttyf01. Then /dev/ttyf01 can be used as the file name. Also because of the special meaning of asterisk "*" as the first parameter it is not possible to open a file with a name of asterisk unless the logout=*, command form is used.

Files are opened with the permissions of the user that started the Field System, usually oper.

lvdt - head stack positioning by LVDT voltage

Syntax: lvdt=cmdVw,cmdVr

Response: lvdt/cmdVw,cmdVr,actVw,actVr,deltaVw,deltaVr

Settable parameters:

cmdVw Command position voltage for the write head stack, default is don't move. For Mark IV this parameter refers to head stack 1.

cmdVr Command position voltage for read head stack, default is don't move. This parameter is not valid for VLBA recorders. For Mark IV this parameter refers to head stack 2.

Monitor-only parameters:

actVw Actual position voltage for write head stack (Mark IV stack 1)

actVr Actual position voltage for read head stack (Mark IV stack 2), null for VLBA

deltaVw Voltage difference between actual and commanded write head stack position (Mark IV stack 1).

deltaVr Voltage difference between actual and commanded read head stack position (Mark IV stack 2), null for VLBA


This command is used to position the head stacks in voltage units. An individual stack may be moved by not specifying a command voltage for the other stack. The commanded positions are uncalibrated.

VLBA recorders have only one head stack. Its positioning is specified by using the first (write) stack parameter. Monitor parameters for the read head stack are reported as null.

For Mark IV recorders, the write head stack parameters correspond to head stack 1, the read head stack parameters to head stack 2.

The deltaVx parameters are reported with the sign of actual minus commanded.

The command positions reported by the lvdt, pass, and stack commands are consistent. See the description of the pass command for more information.

If the write head stack position is commanded, the auxiliary data field is set to reflect the commanded position, see the pass command for more information. (Not yet implemented for VLBA.)

For VLBA2 drives, the voltage units are actually in kÅ (0.1 microns) of head position. This implies that the scale is expanded by a factor of about 1500 over the LVDT voltage scale of other drives.

mat - general communications with ASCII Transceivers

Syntax: mat=data,data,...

Response: mat/data,data,...

Settable parameters:

data complete message to be sent to MAT system, including actual hex address and all other protocol. No checking is done. Each message between commas is sent separately. All special non-printing characters, such as escape, should be typed directly on the keyboard or they will be sent as typed. EXCEPTION: The character enq will be substituted for any TAB encountered in the message.

Monitor-only parameters:

data response of MAT system, if any, to each message.

matload - Download 8080 code to MAT

Syntax: matload=unit addr,mem addr,data

Response: matload/acknowledgement

Settable parameters:

unit addr the hex address of the MAT to receive the code.

mem addr the hex location for the start of the load, 4 characters.

data the hex data bytes to be transmitted, must be an even number of them.


The message to the unit that is sent:

#unit addr:nnmem addr00datacc

where nn=number of data bytes, cc=check sum. Remember that 2-byte data values are sent least significant, most significant.

mcb - MCB Communications

Syntax: mcb=module,reladdr,value

Response: mcb/value

Settable Parameters:

module Module mnemonic indicating which module is to be addressed. Only standard module mnemonics allowed. Use null to indicate that the following address is an absolute address.

reladdr Relative MCB address (hex), i.e. the offset from the module's base address. This is the address to be read if a value is not given. This is the address to write to if a value is given. If module is null, then this is an absolute address.

value Value (hex) to be written into reladdr. Omit this parameter if you want to read reladdr.

Monitor-only Parameters:

value Value (hex) that was read from reladdr, if a value was not specified in the command. If a value was specified in the command, then the response is the status of the write: OK, BUSY, ERR.


This command is analgous to the Mark III mat command. This command is used to read values from or write values to a specific MCB address.

If the command is issued as mcb=module,reladdr then the response is the hex value at reladdr.

If the command is issued as mcb=module,reladdr,value then the value is downloaded into reladdr and the response is the status.

newtape - halt schedule until new tape is mounted

Syntax: newtape

Response: newtape/"To continue, use LABEL command"


This command in effect is the same as the halt command. Execution will continue after the label command has been successfully completed. The cont command will also work.

onoff - on-off radiometry

Syntax: onoff=rep,intp,dev1,dev2,cutoff,stp

Response: onoff/rep,intp,dev1,dev2,cutoff,stp,cal1,cal2,


Settable parameters:

rep Number of repetitions, 1 to 99. Default is 2.

intp Integration period, 1 to 10 seconds. Default is 1.

dev1 Device to be used as detector 1. Standard detector mnemonics are allowed. Default is i1 for Mark III, ia for VLBA.

dev2 Device to be used as detector 2. Standard detector mnemonics are allowed. Default is i1 for Mark III, ib for VLBA.

cutoff elevation above which to step in elevation rather than azimuth, in degrees, default 60.

stp Distance off source for off source and calibration points, in multiples of a beamwidth. Default is 5.0.

Monitor-only parameters:

cal1 Calibration noise source temperature in degrees K for detector 1. This is determined from the last caltempx command in conjunction with the patch (Mark III) or bbc command.

cal2 Calibration noise source temperature in degrees K for detector 2. This is determined from the last caltempx command in conjunction with the patch (Mark III) or bbd command.

beam1 The full width half maximum beam size (degrees) for device 1. It is determined from the beamx command and the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command.

beam2 The full width half maximum beam size (degrees) for device 2. It is determined from the beamx command and the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command.

flux1 The apparent source flux for device 1, based on the fluxx command and the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command.

flux2 The apparent source flux for device 2, based on the fluxx command and the patch (Mark III) or bbc (VLBA) command.


The parameters should be setup by issuing a onoff=... command. A measurement is started by issuing a simple onoff. This will recover the current values for the display only parameters and schedule an external program onoff. onoff should be placed in fspgm.ctl, so that it is initialized automatically when the Field System is started. See the onoff manual in Volume 2.

The current command antenna position including offsets is assumed to be "onsource."

It is recommended that nothing else be done, e.g. running a schedule, while this command is executing. Since this command may run for an extended period of time, a mechanism has been supplied for aborting: enter sy=brk onoff in response to a system prompt. After aborting, the offsets will be returned to their original values.

In order for this command to work, the following conditions must be met: (1) the detector devices have been set up by the Field System, (2) the lo and upconv commands have been issued, (3) the IF distributor has been set up by the Field System and it must be in remote (Mark III only), and (4) the appropriate beamx command has been issued. Additionally, if a video converter is used as a detector, the patch command must have been issued. If system performance is to be estimated based on the source's apparent flux, then the appropriate fluxx command must have been issued.

If a negative value is specified for the noise diode temperature (caltempx=....) for either detector, then the absolute value of the specified temperature is assumed to be the system temperature for that detector and the signal level with the noise diode on is not used. The noise temperature for either one or both channels can be specified as negative. If both are negative, the noise diode won't be turned on. This allows the SEFD and Shaffer number to be measured even if there is no noise diode; the source/cal ratio in this case will be wrong and will be negative.

If a positive diode temperature has been specified for either detector, two procedures must be available: calonnf and caloffnf, which are used to turn the noise diode on and off respectively. The recommended form for these procedures is:

calonnf: calon


sy=go onoff &

caloffnf: caloff


sy=go onoff &

calon and caloff are local procedures that do whatever is necessary to turn the noise source on and off.

onsource - get antenna pointing status

Syntax: onsource

Response: onsource/status

Settable Parameters: none

Monitor-only Parameters:

status tracking or slewing, depending on the errors in pointing.

op - operator identification

Syntax: op=name

Response: none

Settable Parameters:

name Operator name or initials, maximum of 12 characters. Embedded blanks are allowed.

op stream - place command in operator stream

Syntax: op stream=command

Response: none

Settable Parameters:

command The command to be placed in operator command stream.


This command can be used from the schedule to enter commands into the operator stream. This is useful because time-scheduled command entered from the schedule stream will be blocked when the schedule is executing a timed wait.

This command might be used to periodically record TPI values during an observation. For example, the following procedures might be used to sample TPI values every 10 seconds during an observation:

MIDOB: op stream=start

START: collect@!,10s

COLLECT: tpi=odd,even,if1,if2

POSTOB: collect@

A great deal of care needs to be exercised when using this command. In particular, command should not cause any long timed waits to occur since this will block the operator stream (in a pinch, the operator stream can be freed from a long wait by using the flush command). Also no command that might cause interference with the execution of the schedule should be used. In particular this would mean avoiding use of tape motion commands.

Note that any use of @ in command is interpreted to apply to the op stream= command itself and is removed from command before what is left is placed in the operator stream. This is the reason that the START procedure was necessary in the example above.

This command is considered experimental. It creates a new type of interaction between the schedule and operator streams. It may be necessary to modify or remove this feature if some unanticipated consequence proves to be a problem.

parity - measure and check parity errors

Syntax: parity=pemax,syncmax,channel,aux,tracks


Response: parity/parity-errors


Settable Parameters:

pemax Maximum allowable parity errors per channel per megabyte of data. Default is 600. If errors exceed threshold, an error message is issued.

syncmax Default is 12. Otherwise handled the same as parity error threshold.

channel Decoder channel. Can be a, b, or ab (default).

aux Aux data check, on (default) or off. Not supported for VLBA.

tracks List of recorder tracks on which to measure errors. Default is the currently enabled tracks. For Mark III drives, tracks and must be between 1 and 28, and/or may be specified by groups (g1, g2, g3, g4) as in the enable command. For VLBA drives, tracks must be between 0 and 35, or specified by groups (g0, g1, g2, g3) as in the enable command, or specified as non-system tracks in the VLBA groups (v0, v1, v2, v3),or specified as the Mark III tracks in the VLBA groups (m0, m1, m2, m3). For Mark IV, values are Mark IV/VLBA tracks and must be between 0 and 35, and/or may be specified by all which means tracks 2 through 33.

Monitor-only parameters:

parity-errors For each track in the list, the corresponding parity errors (smallest of 4 samples).

sync-errors For each track in the list, the corresponding sync errors (smallest observed value over the same 4 sample intervals as the parity error check).


Issuing this command with an equal sign without or without a list of parameters sets up the command. Issuing the command with no equal sign then measures errors.

This command assumes the read head stack is positioned appropriately for the tracks that will be read. The heads that are used to reproduce data are automatically mapped from even to odd or vice-versa depending on the reproduce electronics specified in the head.ctl control file. For VLBA and VLBA2 drives the write head parameter controls which heads are used. If a mixture odd asnd even heads are requested no mapping is done.

If the auxiliary data field was set using the form or head positioning commands, then it is checked for accuracy, unless the aux parameter is off. An error message is issued if the auxiliary data on the tape does not agree with the value last sent to the formatter.

If so many tracks are decoded that the response extends beyond about 100 characters, then another response line is generated.

The decoder channels used to read the data can be specified, either a, b, or both a and b reproduce channels can be used. If pcalr is running, it should be suspended before starting this command so that there's no competition for the b channel.

Five error readings are made from the decoder or DQA, spaced 0.25 seconds apart. Actual parity errors are the difference between successive readings. The minimum of the 4 parity error values is reported in the response. (In versions before FS8.0, the Mark III command used a time difference of 0.34 seconds.) Each round trip communication with the decoder takes approximately 0.12 sec, plus the 0.25 seconds wait time yields 48 seconds to check 28 tracks, 24 seconds to check 14 tracks.

Parity errors are reported as the number of errors per 1 million bits of data. The actual number of parity errors is scaled to account for the tape speed during playback.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses VLBA, Mark IV, or Mark III track and VLBA or Mark III group numbers depending on the type of drive in use.

For a Mark IV drive, if vacuum switching is enabled in the sw.ctl control file, the vacuum level must established before the parity command is issued. The vacuum level can be established either by entering the tape label with the label command and then loading the tape with the rec=load command or simply turning off the vacuum with rec=novac. Please do not try to turn change the vacuum when the tape is moving.

pass - head stack positioning by pass number

Syntax: pass=cmdPw,cmdPr,woffset

Response: pass/cmdPw,cmdPr,woffset,cmdMw,cmdMr,actMw,actMr,


Settable parameters:

cmdPw Command pass number for write head stack (Mark IV stack 1), range 1-100 for Mark III and VLBA, 1-112 for Mark IV. Default is to not move the write head stack. For Mark IV recorders, if the parameter is stack2, then stack 1 is moved to the most recently commanded stack 2 position.

cmdPr Command pass number for read head stack (Mark IV stack 2), same range as for write head stack. This parameter may not be specified for VLBA recorders. If the parameter is same, the read pass will be same as the write pass. For Mark IV, if the parameter is mk4, then stack 2 is positioned to 100 plus the pass number for stack 1. Default is to not move the read head stack.

woffset Type of offset for the write head. auto (default) or none. Only the first character is checked. For auto, the head stack position is automatically adjusted according to the write head type parameter in the head.ctl control file. For none, no adjustments are made. Use none for Mark IV recording and for all mode A recording. The read head is always adjusted.

Monitor-only parameters:

cmdMw Microns corresponding to command write head pass number.

cmdMr Microns corresponding to command read head pass number, null for VLBA.

actMw Microns corresponding to actual write head pass number.

actMr Microns corresponding to actual read head pass number, null for VLBA.

deltaMw Micron error between actual and commanded write head position.

deltaMr Micron error between actual and commanded read head position, null for VLBA.


This command moves the read and/or write head stacks to the position for the commanded passes. The correspondence of pass numbers to a priori micron positions is established by the tapeform command. The requested pass must have been set-up by the tapeform command to be used. Odd pass numbers are used for forward passes, even for reverse.

Only the write head stack parameters in this command are used for VLBA recorders. The read head stack parameters are reported as nulls. For Mark IV, the write head stack parameters refer to head stack 1, the read head stack parameters refer to the head stack 2.

The head stack position in microns is determined by

position = tapeform offset + absolute offset (forward pass)

position = tapeform offset + absolute offset + for/rev offset (reverse pass)

where tapeform offset is the a priori offset as specified with the tapeform command, and the absolute offset and forward/reverse offset are specified in the head.ctl control file.

If woffset is auto, and the commanded pass is a reverse pass, and the write head stack is defined as odd in the head.ctl control file, then an offset of 698.5 microns is added to the write head stack position.

If woffset is auto, and the commanded pass is a forward pass, and the write head stack is defined as even in the head.ctl control file, then an offset of 698.5 microns is subtracted from the write head stack position.

If woffset is none, then no offset is applied to the a priori offset for the write head. The read head is always adjusted.

An individual head stack can be moved by not specifying a command pass number for the other head stack. The read (stack 2) command pass can be same, which causes it to be the same as the write head stack pass number. This feature is useful for setting both head stacks to the same pass number in set-up procedures. The read (stack 2) command pass can be mk4, which causes head stack 2 to be positioned to the position for the pass number specified for head stack 1 plus 100. This feature is useful for positioning both Mark IV head stacks using a single pass number in set-up procedures. Also for Mark IV, the write (stack 1) command pass can be stack2, which causes head stack 1 to be positioned to the most recently commanded position of stack 2. This feature is useful for positioning stack 1 (the only stack that can play back) to read tracks that were just recorded with stack 2.

The deltaM parameters are reported with the sign of actual minus commanded.

The commanded positions of the lvdt, pass, and stack commands are reported consistently. For example, if you command the head stack positions with the stack or pass command, you can determine the corresponding command voltage with lvdt. And vice-versa, the micron position corresponding to a voltage position commanded with lvdt can be determined with stack or pass.

The commanded pass numbers reported by pass are given special values if either lvdt or stack last commanded the positions. If lvdt or stack is used with uncalibrated positions, the commanded pass number will be reported as 0. If the stack command with forward calibrated positions was used, -1 will be reported for the pass number, for reverse calibrations -2 will be reported.

For Mark III, when the write head is moved by either pass, stack, or lvdt, the auxiliary data field used by the formatter is set to reflect the commanded position. The twelve characters of the auxiliary data field are set as:


xx ff for forward calibration (odd passes)

fe for reverse calibration (even passes)

fd for uncalibrated positions.

wxyz 0000-3999 for positive micron positions

4000-7999 for negative micron positions

ff hex characters ff

The positions occupied by wxyz are the four digits of the commanded micron write head position. In the auxiliary data field the digits are repeated two at a time. The negative positions are represented as the 4000+ absolute value of the position. The xx field is used to identify which type of calibration was used to set the position. The last two digits of the auxiliary data are fixed with the value ff.

For VLBA, the auxiliary data field is not supported.

For Mark IV, there are eight characters (32 bits) available for auxiliary data. They are set as:


abcd head stack 0 position in microns

wxyz head stack 1 position in microns

Characters a and w have the following bit structure:

bit 0 thousands digit for the micron position, usually 0

bit 1 0 for forward calibration (odd passes), 1 for uncalibrated

bit 2 0 for reverse calibration (even passes), 1 for uncalibrated

bit 3 sign of the position, 0 for positive, 1 for negative

patch - specify IF patching (Mark III rack)

Syntax: patch=lon,vc#horl,...

Response: none

Settable Parameters:

lon One of lo1, lo2, or lo3. No default.

vc#horl Video converter number with the character h or l appended, e.g. 1h or 3l. h indicates the high band of the channel, and l the low. No default.


This command stores the patching information for access by program pcalr and the antenna calibration programs. This command identifies which video converters are patched to channel 1, which to channel 2. This command is not needed for VLBA systems because the bbc command specifies the connections.

The lo command should also be used to specify the LO frequencies, and the upconv command should be used if you have an upconverter.

pcal - set up/activate pcalr (Mark III rack)

Syntax: pcal=#cycles,pause,repro,#blocks,debug,track, ...

Response: none

Settable parameters:

#cycles Number of times to cycle through tracks. 0 = run continuously (default).

pause Time to pause between cycles, seconds. Default is 60 seconds.

repro Type of reproduce mode:

fs = use current mode set up by Field System

by = use bypass mode

rw = use read after write mode

ab = use split mode (implies bypass mode too)

If an experiment is in progress (i.e. if a schedule file is active) then fs is the recommended mode. Attempts to force read-after-write or bypass may result in compromising execution of the schedule.

#blocks Number of blocks to average, default 25. The default gives 5 degrees rms phase noise or an SNR of 10.

debug 0 for no debug printout (default). A value of +1 prints the data buffer status each time it responds. A value of +2 will print the actual data and more detailed status information. The values -1 and -2 will simply test communications with the data buffer and then quit.

tracks Tape recorder track(s) to use. 0 = use all tracks for current mode (default). A list of track numbers may be given. A list of video converters may be specified by preceding each number with v. The words all, even, odd referring to tracks and vall, veven, vodd referring to VCs may be used. Split mode will be set up for the outer channels in the frequency sequence, if bypass mode is set up.


Invoking this command with no parameters activates pcalr. To stop pcalr, use the command sy=brk pcal. Before starting pcalr, specify LO frequencies with the lo and upconv commands, set up IF3 with the if3 command, and specify patching with the patch command.

peak - peak up tape reproduce power

Syntax: peak=nsamp,iter,stack,vmin


Response: peak/nsamp,iter,stack,vmin,peakv,mper,t/f,vltlc

Settable parameters:

nsamp Number of samples to take at each position. Default is 3.

iter Number of times to iterate peak finding. Default is 1.

stack Head stack to move for peaking: write (default) or read. Only the first character is checked. Only write is valid for VLBA recorders. For Mark IV recorders, use write for the head stack 1, read for head stack 2.

vmin The minimum peak voltage that is required before the peak is considered "real". Default is 0.2 volts.

Monitor-only parameters:

peakv The voltage measured at the calculated peak position.

mper The minimum voltage measured at the peak as a percentage of peakv.

t/f t (true) if the peak is strong enough to be considered a real peak and the middle of the last three measured positions is within 5.4 microns of the calculated peak, f (false) otherwise.

vltlc voltage position of the calculated peak response


This command attempts to find the head stack position that gives the peak response from a track. This should work if the head stack is already positioned so that there is some reproduce power coming from the track. The algorithm is:

(1) Measure the reproduce power at the current position.

(2) Move 8 microns toward the plate (in) and measure the power again.

(3) If the power at position two is greater than that at position one, move another 8 microns in and measure the power again. If the power at position two is lower than the power at position one, go out from position one 8 microns and measure the power again.

(4) Continue moving the stack 8 microns at a time in the direction that increases the power until there are three measurement with the highest power in the middle position. No more than 5 additional measurements are made.

(5) Fit the final three positions to a triangular model for the response.

(6) Move the stack to the calculated peak position. Measure the final power level.

When positioning the 8 micron step size is only approximate. The positioning is done with 2.7 micron tolerance to avoid spending too much time refining the position.

This command requires that the reproduce power detector be hooked-up with a reasonable amount of attenuation and that the head.ctl configuration file correctly identify which detector (odd or even) is in use.

A reproduce track must be selected with the repro command in order to peak the power. Depending on the cabling, either channel A or B should be used. Setting both channels to the same track is sure to work unless the detector isn't connected.

In order to identify possibly false peaks, peak requires two conditions be met before a peak is accepted: (1) the voltage read-out of the power level must exceed the set minimum and (2) the calculated peak position must be within 5.4 microns of the middle position of the last three sample values. The first attempt to peak on a track may fail because of the second criteria. A second attempt should succeed if that was the problem.

It may be necessary to raise or lower the minimum voltage if the noise level is higher than normal or the peak response is lower than normal.

This command must be issued once with parameters to set it up. Issuing the command subsequently without parameters will start a peaking operation. The tape must moving and there must be recorded data to reproduce for this command to do something useful.

This command differs from the locate command in two ways. The first is that locate is intended to do a coarse search only. peak searches with smaller and more precise steps. Secondly, locate will return the head to the position of the largest measured voltage. peak will make measurements until it has straddled the peak and then will move to an interpolated peak position.

See the Narrow Track Calibration manual.

perr - sample parity errors (Mark III rack)

Syntax: perr=track,chan,#samples,period,mode

Response: perr/track,chan,#samples,period,mode,error,synerr

Settable parameters:

track Track to be decoded. No default.

chan Decoder channel A (default) or B.

#samples Number of samples to average, maximum 10, default 2.

period Time between samples in seconds, maximum 2, default 0.5.

mode rec or play, default rec.

Monitor-only parameters:

error Average number of parity errors.

synerr Total number of sync errors.


This command sets up the appropriate track for reproduce, and then reads the decoder one more than the specified number of times with the specified amount of time between samples. Differences between successive readings are averaged to calculate error. The difference between the first and last synch error readings is synerr. In rec mode, track must be enabled, the tape must be moving forward, record must be enabled, and reproduce must be in read-after-write mode. In play mode, only read-after-write and moving tape are checked. In either mode, if the measurement of parity errors is precluded by the tape status, then nothing is done and no error message appears. (See also parity command.)

proc - open new schedule procedure library

Syntax: proc=name

Response: proc/name

Settable parameters:

name name of procedure file to open. If no directory path is specified, /usr2/proc is assumed. If no extension is specified, .prc is assumed. This procedure library is opened as the schedule library, and all procedure names are read.

Monitor-only parameters: none


When a new procedure library is opened, any time-scheduled procedures from the previous procedure library are canceled. See section 8.0 of the SNAP Language manual for details. Refer to the pfmed manual for information on editing procedure libraries.

radecoff - ra/dec source position offsets

Syntax: radecoff=ra,dec

Response: radecoff/ra,dec

Settable parameters:

ra Right ascension offset, in numeric angle/hours format. The response is in numeric angle/hours format.

dec Declination offset, in numeric angle/degrees format. The response is in numeric angle/degrees format.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The antenna will move to the offset position when this command is issued. To return to the on-source position, issue this command with zero for the offset.

rcl - RCL Communications

Syntax: rcl=device,command,parameters, ...

Response: rcl/response

Settable Parameters:

device The two character module mnemonic for the device to communicate with as defined in the rclad.ctl control file, e.g. rc for the S2

command name of RCL command function

parameters command delimited additional parameters required for this RCL command function

Monitor-only Parameters:

response Result of communication, may displayed on multiple lines for ease of reading.


This command implements access to all the low-level functions of the RCL interface. Check ISTS's S2-RT User's Manual, Appendix A for detailed information about the command names, their parameters, and the responses. The following table lists very briefly the commands and the parameters, if any, that the rcl command expects for each. For parameters that have values that consist of choice among fixed items, it is possible to enter a numeric value as well, in which case it is passed directly to RCL interface without checking.

Command Parameters

align absolute,year,day,hour,min,sec,nanosec

relative, + or -,hour,min,sec,nanosec

re-align or self-align

barrel roll read

barrel roll set on or off

bercd fmber or uiber or uidcb, chan, measurement time

consolecmd command string

delay read

delay set absolute or relative,nanoseconds

delaym read

diag value


errmess samples

esterr read transport or channel


group read

group set group number


mk3 form read

mk3 form set enable or disable

mode read

mode set mode string


pdv read transport or channel

ping time-out


position read overall or individual

position set absolute or relative or preset,1,position

absolute or relative or preset,8,8 comma seperated positions


postime read transport



speed read

speed read pb

speed set lp or slp

state read

station info read


tapeid read

tapeid read pb

tapeid set tapeid string

tapeinfo read pb

tapetype read

tapetype set tape type character or string

time read

time read pb

time set year,day,hours,minutes,seconds

transport times


user dv read

user dv read pb

user dv set true or false, ignore or use

user info read field number,field or label

user info read pb field number,field or label

user info set field number,field or label,string

spcll mode set xtal or manual or refclk or 1hz or errmes


status decode status code,true or false

status detail status code,true or false, true or false


rec - tape recorder control (S2 drive)

Syntax: rec=list

Response: rec/position,variance,date/time,valid,version

Settable Parameters:

list One of eject (or unload),a position to move all selected transports to, or a list of eight comma separated positions to move the individual transports too. Positions are in units of seconds. In a list of eight positions, uns must be used for transports that are not currently selected.

Monitor-only Parameters:

position overall absolute position of select transports, unk if unknown.

variance linear variance of position of select transports, unk if unknown.

date/time S2 date and time in format yyy/ddd.hh:mm:ss

valid valid if S2 time is valid, not-valid if S2 time is not valid

version ROS softwarre version information string


This command is used to move the selected transports to another position.

rec - tape recorder control (Mark III drive)

Syntax: rec=action

Response: none

Settable Parameters:

action A key word specifying what you want the recorder to do. Choices are:

load Load a tape into the vacuum columns. This is similar to pressing the stop button, but also guarantees that the low tape sensor has not been tripped. On Mark IV drives with vacuum switching it also commands the vacuum level based on the most recent label command before attempting to load the tape.

novac On Mark IV drives with vacuum switching this removes the vacuum.


For Mark III and Mark IV drives without vacuum switching, this command can only be used to load the tape.

For Mark IV drives with vacuum switching, the rec=load command sets the vacuum level based on the tape thickness selected by the most recent label command. For these drives there is an added restriction that the tape thickness be must specified with a new label command before every rec=load command. This is intended to reduce the likelihood that the incorrect vacuum level will be set. Please try to avoid removing the vacuum with rec=novac if the tape is moving. Doing so may well damage the tape.

rec - tape recorder control (VLBA drive)

Syntax: rec=action

Response: rec/feet,supply,takeup,length,revno

Settable Parameters:

action A key word specifying what you want the recorder to do. Choices are:

reboot Reboot the microprocessor in the recorder. See comments below.

load Load a tape into the vacuum columns. This acts like the stop button on the Mark III recorders. Brakes are released. The parameters in equip.ctl are downloaded to the recorder.

unload Move the tape at high speed to the low tape point near BOT. Wind the tape off the reel at 90 ips.

bot Move tape at high speed to BOT (beginning of tape) at stop.

eot Move tape at high speed to EOT (end of tape) at stop.

release Release the reel brakes. Drop the vacuum and then issue this command before trying to thread a tape.

feet Move the tape to the specified footage.

feet Set the tape footage counter. The supply and takeup reel packs in feet are read back and the footage counter is set to the takeup reel pack. These values are accurate to about 50 feet.

zero Reset footage counter to zero.

Monitor-only Parameters:

feet The current footage counter reading.

supply Footage left on the supply reel.

takeup Footage left on the takeup reel.

length Total length of the tape, supply+takeup.

revno Software revision number.


The feet option of this command is analagous to the Mark III tapepos command. The zero option is analagous to the Mark III tape=low,reset command. The other options are unique to the VLBA recorder.

MCB functions are available.

The recorder can be re-booted manually by pressing the red button. After manual reset you must issue the command rec=addr to re-initialize the module.

Before the actions unload, bot, eot, or feet are taken, the ready state of the recorder is checked. If the recorder is not ready, an error is logged and the action is not taken.

If the drive type specified in the equip.ctl control file is vlba2, the supply, takeup, and length parameters are null. In addition for the vlba2 drive, it is not possible change the footage with the feet or zero parameters.

If vacuum switching is enabled in the sw.ctl control file, the parameters sent to the recorder will depend on the tape thickness specified by the most recent label command. If switching is enabled there is an added restriction that the tape thickness be must specified with a new label command before every rec=load command. This is intended to reduce the likelihood that the incorrect vacuum level will be set.

rec mode - S2 recording mode (S2 drive)

Syntax: rec mode=mode,group,roll

Response: rec mode/mode,group,roll,numgroups

Settable Parameters:

mode The string that identifies the mode, 20 characters maximum, a null value is not permitted. No default.

group The group to be recorded, nominally 0-7, but many modes have fewer groups.

roll Roll configuration: on or off. Default on.

Monitor-only Parameters:

numgroups The number of groups in mode display as the monitor value.


This command selects the recording mode and groups to be used for an S2 recorder.

repro - set up reproduce tracks (Mark III drive)

Syntax: repro=bypass,trackA,trackB,bandwidth,equalizer

Response: repro/bypass,trackA,trackB,bandwidth,equalizer

Settable parameters:

bypass byp (default) for bypass, raw for read-after-write.

trackA Track for decoder channel A, default 1, 0-28 allowed.

trackB Track for decoder channel B, default 1, 0-28 allowed.

bandwidth Bandwidth for decoding (MHz), default 2.

equalizer Equalizer for reproduce, default same as bandwidth.

Monitor-only parameters: none


MAT module functions available for Mark III. For VLBA, the bandwidth and equalizer are not separately commandable.

The raw mode normally is used only when checking parity errors on the tape.

Selection of track 0 for a decoder channel will disable that channel until another track is selected.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses Mark III track numbers.

repro - set up reproduce tracks (VLBA drive)

Syntax: repro=modeA,trackA,trackB,modeB,equA,equB

Response: repro/modeA,trackA,trackB,modeB,equA,equB

Settable parameters:

modeA Reproduce mode for channel A. byp (default) for bypass, raw or read for read (playback).

trackA Track for decoder channel A, default 1, 0-35 allowed.

trackB Track for decoder channel B, default 1, 0-35 allowed.

modeB Reproduce mode for channel B. byp for bypass, raw or read for read (playback). Default is modeA.

equA Equalizer to use for decoding channel A. For VLBA recorders: alt1 (default) for normal speed (135 ips), alt2 for double speed (270 ips), std unspecified. For VLBA2 recorders: std (default) for normal speed (135 ips), alt1 for double speed (270 ips), std unspecified. Additional values of 1, 0.5, and 0.25 (MHz track bandwidth) may be specified for bypass reproduce of these channel bandwidths. For these additional values the monitor value is always the default.

equB Equalizer to use for decoding channel B. For VLBA recorders: alt1 (default) for normal speed (135 ips), alt2 for double speed (270 ips), std unspecified. For VLBA2 recorders: std (default) for normal speed (135 ips), alt1 for double speed (270 ips), std unspecified. Additional values of 1, 0.5, and 0.25 (MHz track bandwidth) may be specified for bypass reproduce. For these additional values the monitor value is always the default.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The raw or read mode normally is used only when checking parity errors on the tape. This is also known as "playback" mode.

This command also sets up the clock recovery chip. The value that is set depends on the choice of the equA equalizer. The 135 ips equalizer selects a 4 Mb/sec (2 MHz track bandwidth) set-up. The 270 ips equalizer selects a 8 Mb/sec (4 MHz track bandwidth) set-up. It is also possible to specify track bandwidths of 1, 0.5 and 0.25 MHz explicitly for the equalizer to set the clock recovery chip for the corresponding bit rate. However, for these bandwidths there is no appropriate equalizer, so the equalizer itself is set to the default and that value is always shown for the monitor value (but the command value will be shown as the value requested).

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses VLBA track numbers.

repro - set up reproduce tracks (Mark IV drive)

Syntax: repro=mode,trackA,trackB,equalizer,bitrate

Response: repro/mode,trackA,trackB,equalizer,bitrate

Settable parameters:

mode Reproduce mode, byp (default) for bypass, read or raw for playback.

trackA Track for decoder channel A, between 0 and 35, default 2. For tracks on head stack 2, add 100 to the desired track number. If mode is read, only tracks from head stack 1 may be specified.

trackB Track for decoder channel B, between 0 and 35, default 3. For tracks on head stack 2, add 100 to the desired track number. If mode is read, only tracks from head stack 1 may be specified.

equalizer 0, 1, 2 (default if mode is read), 3 or dis (default if mode is byp) to select the equalizer installed at location 0, 1, 2, or 3 in the recorder. Use 80, 135, 160, 270 to select the equalizer by playback rate according to the following table:

Location 0 test/special

Location 1 135 or 80 ips (normally used for 4 MHz playback)

Location 2 160/270 ips (normally used for 8 MHz playback)

Location 3 disable reproduce (used for bypass mode)

bitrate Clock recovery bit rate, Mb/s. Choices are 16, 8, 4, 2. Default is the bit rate that corresponds to the selected equalizer. For equalizer 80 or 135, default is 4; for equalizers 160 and 270 default is 8. If equalizer is dis, this parameter is undefined but is set to have the legal value of 4.

Monitor-only parameters: none


This command sets up the reproduce electronics in the tape drive. MAT module functions available for Mark IV.

Tracks are Mark IV/VLBA track numbers.

The read mode normally is used only when checking parity errors on the tape.

Bypass mode looks at the output of the write drivers, therefore it only works if the selected track is enabled and the general record is on. Use the command st=for,0,on to set up the write drivers for bypass mode.

If vacuum switching is enabled in the sw.ctl control file, the vacuum level must established before the repro command is issued. The vacuum level can be established either by entering the tape label with the label command and then loading the tape with the rec=load command or simply turning off the vacuum with rec=novac. Please do not try to change the vacuum when the tape is moving.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses Mark IV track numbers.


repro=byp,2,3,3,4 #94=+02300302$


repro=byp,16,117 #94=+02305110$


repro=read,26,04 #94=+0000849A$


reset - reset the MAT bus

Syntax: reset=baud

Response: reset/baud

Settable parameters:

baud Baud rate. MATs support 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The old MATs (NRAO only) support 2400 baud only. Recommended rate is 9600. A system reset is sent (break character), then the baud rate is changed, then some U's to synch up the MATs.

rw - rewind tape

Syntax: rw

Response: rw/acknowledgement

Settable Parameters: none


The tape is moved in reverse at high speed. For Mark III, the record bit is disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on. For VLBA, all track groups are disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on.

For S2 drives, the selected transports are moved in reverse at the transport's rewind speed.

For drives other that the S2, the tape is moved at the "schedule" value as specified in the equip.ctl control file. This is the speed assumed in the SNAP schedule file for positioning the tape with the fastr procedure.

Use the srw command and sfastr procedure for possibly faster tape motion.

rx - receiver monitor and control

Syntax: rx=channel,dcal,box,S,X,K,cal

Response: rx/channel,dcal,box,S,X,K,cal,lostat,value

Settable parameters:

channel Hex value or code word (next page). No default.

dcal Delay cal heater, on (default) or off.

box Box heaters. Turn on with A (default) or B (for the A or B controller), or off.

S,X,K IF amplifier controls, on (default) or off.

cal Noise cal control. May be on, off (default), oon (Override on), oof (override off), or external modulation.

Monitor-only parameters:

lostat Status of LO, locked or unlocked.

value Reading in A/D channel shown in first parameter. Units are appropriate for channel in use.


This command is used to control and monitor a standard cryogenic CDP S/X receiver.

MAT module functions are available.

Channel assignments for the "standard" receiver are on the next page. Your station's channel assignments are in the rxdef.ctl file. Details of the MAT protocol are in the MAT Communications manual.

The mnemonic RX and the receiver's address must be specified in matad.ctl control file.

Standard Receiver A/D converter channels

channel code volt. Description

# (hex) name Div.


00 FRONT 1 Temperature probe: box front

01 REAR 1 Temperature probe: box rear

02 LO 1 Temperature probe: LO

03 DCAL 1 Temperature probe: delay cal

04 INLET 1 Temperature probe: inlet air(after heat)

05 RET 1 Temperature probe: return air

06 SUP 1 Temperature probe: supply air (cold)

07 2.73V 2 -2.73 volt ref. for temperature probes

08 SIF 1 S-band IF power level

09 XIF 1 X-band IF power level

0A KIF 1 Secondary S-band IF power level

0B SLO 1 S-band LO power level

0C XLO 1 X-band LO power level

0D KLO 1 Secondary S-band 2020 MHz LO power level

0E LO5MHZ 1 5 MHz power level to LO

0F 1 spare

10 28V 101 +28 volt power supply voltage

11 24V 101 +24 volt power supply voltage(delay cal)

12 20V 11 +20 volt power supply voltage (LO)

13 15V 11 +15 volt power supply voltage

14 5V 11 + 5 volt power supply

15 -15V 11 -15 volt power supply voltage

16 GROUND 1 ground reference

17 PRES 4.9 dewar pressure

18 X1BIAS 4.9 1st stage X-band FET bias current

19 X2BIAS 4.9 2nd stage X-band FET bias current

1A X3BIAS 4.9 3rd stage X-band FET bias current

1B S1BIAS 4.9 1st stage S-band FET bias current

1C S2BIAS 4.9 2nd stage S-band FET bias current

1D S3BIAS 4.9 3rd stage S-band FET bias current

1E 20K 1 temperature diode, 20K station in dewar

1F 70K 1 temperature diode, 70K station in dewar

Note: This table applies only to standard S/X receivers. Channel assignments for your station's receiver may be found in control file rxdef.ctl. Conversion from volts to temperature for channels 0 through 6 is 100 deg C/V.

savev - save the voltage position of narrow track heads

Syntax: savev=parm1,volts


Response: savev/VrevW,V15rev,V15for,V15scale,V13,V15flip,Vw0,Vw8

Settable parameters:

parm1 Voltage to save, possible values are: vrevw, v15rev, v15for, v15scale, v13, v15flip, vw0, or vw8. No default. clear will delete all saved voltages.

volts The voltage value to save. Default is to use the current write position for vw0 and vw8, if the write head has been successfully positioned. For all others, use the last peaked voltage location from the peak command. If the write head has not been positioned or the last peak failed, no value is stored.

Monitor-only parameters:

The first six monitor parameters are read head position voltages for peak response while reproducing tracks in various configurations. The table below summaries the parameters and the configuration: the track used to reproduce, the reproduce tape orientation, read direction, the direction the track was written in, and the write head position when the track was written. All tracks are written with head 15 with the tape in the normal orientation. (All track numbers are Mark III track numbers.)


Reproduce Tape Read Write Write

Track Orientation Direction Direction Position

VrevW 15 Normal Forward Reverse Vw0

V15rev 15 Normal Reverse Forward Vw0

V15for 15 Normal Forward Forward Vw0

V15scale 15 Normal Forward Forward Vw8

V13 13 Normal Forward Forward Vw0

V15flip 15 Flipped Forward Forward Vw0

The last two parameters are write head position voltages at which the tracks corresponding to the above read positions were written. These parameters are not used for VLBA drives.

Vw0 Voltage near tape center

Vw8 Voltage approximately 8 volts toward the deck plate from Vw0.


This command is used to save the voltage positions of the read and write heads for head calibration. This command is not very useful by itself. It is designed to facilitate calculation of the calibration parameters by storing all the values. The hdcalc command is used to perform the actual calculation. See the Narrow Track Calibration manual for more information.

The description of the monitor only parameters above is written assuming odd tracks will be used for both read and write. If odd tracks are not available, the corresponding even tracks, 16 for write, 14 and 16 for read can be used instead (note Mark III track numbers).

The response form of the command will only show values for voltages that have been successfully saved. This feature is useful for determining which parameters have not been successfully measured during automated calibration.

schedule - start a new schedule file

Syntax: schedule=name,start,#lines

Response: schedule/name,line

Settable parameters:

name Name of schedule file to be started. If no directory path is specified, /usr2/sched assumed. If no extension is specified, .snp is assumed. Any currently-executing schedule file is closed, and the new schedule file is opened. If the new file cannot be opened, there will be no schedule active. When a valid schedule is started, a cont command may be necessary.

start Place in the schedule to begin executing. May be one of the following:

null to start with the observation beginning no earlier than 5 minutes from now.

#line for a line number in the file, should be a source command.

time to start with the observation beginning no earlier than this time. time is in standard SNAP format.

#lines Number of lines to execute before automatically halting. Default is the remainder of the schedule.

Monitor-only parameters:

line The line number to be executed next.


If the schedule is started successfully, a log file having the same name as the schedule is automatically started, and the procedure file having the same name as the schedule is automatically established as the schedule procedure library. Any previously time-scheduled procedures from this library are cancelled. If a # of lines is specified, an automatic halt will be issued after execution of these lines. The schedule may then be continued using the cont command.

Note: If the schedule file is larger than 100,000 lines, execution will halt after 100,000 lines.

sff - super fast-forward

Syntax: sff

Response: sff/acknowledgement

Parameters: none


The tape is started moving forward at super high speed. For Mark III, the record bit is disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on. For VLBA, all track groups are disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on.

The tape is moved at the "super" speed value as specified in the equip.ctl control file. This is the fastest speed that your tape drive can manage, normally 330 ips.

Use the ff command and fastf procedure for positioning the tape during a schedule.

source - source name and position

Syntax: source=name,ra,dec,epoch,wrap

Response: source/name,ra,dec,epoch,wrap,ranow,decnow,now

Settable parameters:

name Source name, up to 10 characters. No default. Special source names are recognized by many antenna interface programs. Some names and their meaning are:

azel true corrected coordinates

azeluncr encoder units

xy encoder units

Other specialized names are described in the comments below. If name is sun or moon, no position or epoch is required, and if given it will be ignored.

ra Right ascension, in numeric angle/hours format. No default. If name is azel or azeluncr, this parameter is interpreted as an azimuth. If name is xy, this parameter is interpreted as an X position.

dec Declination, in numeric angle/degrees format. No default. If name is azel or azeluncr, this parameter is interpreted as an elevation. If name is xy, this parameter is interpreted as an Y position.

epoch Epoch in years. Default 1950.0. This field is checked only if the specified angles are right ascension and declination. A value of -1 inhibits reduction of coordinates, i.e., they are assumed to be topocentric.

wrap neutral, ccw (counter-clockwise), cw (clockwise), or null to indicate which wrap (or no specific one) the antenna should be on for this source. The local antenna may or may not respect this parameter.

Monitor-only parameters:

ranow Topocentric right ascension for when the source was commanded

decnow Topocentric declination for when the source was commanded

now Approximate epoch of these coordinates


The antenna will begin moving to the new source when this command is issued. At some antennas, if the source name is given as azel or azeluncr, then the ra and dec are recognized as azimuth and elevation in degrees; if the source name is xy, then the next two fields are recognized as x and y in degrees. If the source name is sun or moon, the appropriate coordinates will be calculated by the Field System based on the current time and the site position as specified in the location.ctl file.

Issuing a source=... command will invalidate the calculated values for the fluxn= commands. To indicate this their values are set to negative numbers.

Typical interpretations of special names may or may not be supported at any given station. These are typical meanings:

stow Pre-defined stow position.

service Pre-defined service position.

disable Stops antenna communications. This is useful to stop error messages when here is a problem.

idle Monitor the antenna position, but do not command it. This is the normal start-up state for the Field System.

hold Maintain the current antenna position.

The wrap parameter is usually provided by drudg in SNAP schedules for AZEL antennas for the information of the operator in selecting the correct wrap for a source when a schedule is started or has to be re-started. Most antenna interfaces do enforce this.

The topocentric place for sources other than the Sun and Moon is calculated using USNO's NOVAS routines. As used here, the results should be accurate to better than 10 milli-arc-seconds for the time that the source is commanded. The effects of light bending and diurnal aberration are included. For the effect of diurnal aberration (typically less than about 0.3 arc-seconds in magnitude) to be calculated accurately the position of the antenna in location.ctl must be fairly accurate.

If the input epoch is 2000.0, the input coordinates are reduced using standard IAU precession and nutation models, plus light bending and aberration (annual and diurnal) to yield topocentric coordinates. If the input epoch is 1950.0, then the input coordinates are rotated to 2000.0 using the inverse of the rotation used by drudg to rotate from 2000.0 to 1950.0, then they are reduced to topocentric. In schedules, this has the effect of making the calculated topocentric place of a source that has mean coordinates of J2000 in the .drg or .skd schedule file independent of whether drudg puts 2000.0 or 1950.0 coordinates in the .snp file (to the precision used by drudg in the .snp) file. For coordinates of other epochs, the coordinates are assumed to be apparent (no diurnal aberration) and are reduced back to 2000.0 using the full theory and then reduced to topocentric.

For the Sun and Moon, the topocentric place is calculated to lower precision than other sources since these are large sources and are generally only used for calibrating small antennas with large beams.

srw - super fast-rewind

Syntax: srw

Response: srw/acknowledgement

Parameters: none


The tape is started moving in reverse at super high speed. For Mark III, the record bit is disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on. For VLBA, all track groups are disabled and the low tape sensor is turned on.

The tape is moved at the "super" speed value as specified in the equip.ctl control file. This is the fastest speed that your tape drive can manage, normally 330 ips.

Use the rw command and fastr procedure for positioning the tape during a schedule.

st - start tape recording

Syntax: st=direction,speed,record

Response: st/direction,speed,record

Settable parameters:

direction for to move tape forward, rev to move in reverse. rev is not permitted for S2 drives. No default, except for S2, which defaults to for. When the tape is stopped, this parameter is displayed in the response as rev for Mark III and IV.

speed Tape speed in inches per second, either nominal or actual. For Mark III & IV and VLBA drives, choices are:

Nominal:3.75 7.5 15 30 60 120 240

Actual: 4.21875 8.4375 16.875 33.75 67.5 135 270

VLBA: 8.33 16.66 33.33 66.66 133.33 266.66

Thin: 5 10 20 40 80 160 320

Mark III & IV and VLBA drives can be commanded to any of these speeds, except Mark III & IV drives cannot use the "VLBA" speeds, VLBA drives cannot be commanded to 3.75 (4.21875) or 320 ips. All of these drives will accept a speed of 0. Note that specifying a "nominal" speed selects the corresponding "actual" speed. No such mapping occurs for "VLBA" and "thin" speeds; there are only actual speeds for these cases. For backward compatibility with an error in an earlier version of the FS, actual value 4.21875 may also be selected by using values 3 and 3.375; 8.4375 may selected using values 7 and 7.875 may still be used. These additional nominal values are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Since the VLBA drives only have speed resolution of 0.01 ips, the actual speeds are 4.22, 8.44, and 16.88 instead of 4.21875, 8.4375, and 16.875, respectively, but either may be entered in a command.

For S2 drives, the only choices are slp and lp. Also for S2 drives there are additional monitor only values of: sp, unknown, or a reported hex value that doesn't correspond to a known speed.

For Mark III/IV drives the default speed is 120 ips. There is a default speed for VLBA (or VLBA2) drives only when the bit density and form commands have been issued. the default speed is calculated from these commands. No default for S2 drives.

record on to record; off to disable recording. Default is on. For S2 recorders, record and play are synonymous with on and off, respectively. Also for S2 recorders there are additional monitor only values of rewind, ff, stop, ppause, rpause, cue, review, notape, and position.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The tape is started moving. For Mark III, the record bit is enabled if record is on. For Mark IV, the general record bit is enabled and the record bit for each enabled stack is enabled if record is on. For VLBA, the track groups are enabled if record is on; they are disabled if record is off. For all systems, reproduce mode is not changed and the state of the low tape sensor is not changed. In the Mark III/IV drives for Mark III speeds, the rate generator is set to 720 for the "actual" speed. For "thin" speeds it is set to 853.

For the Mark III/IV drives, the speeds 4.21875 (3.75) and 5 ips do not move the tape, they implement a "load" function.

For all drives except S2, the vacuum (drive ready for VLBA2 drives) is checked before the command is issued to the recorder. If the vacuum state (drive state for VLBA2 drives) is not ready, no further commands are sent. Vacuum (drive ready for VLBA2 drives) is not checked if speed is 0. A given tape speed of 0 does not move tape but does enable write heads, thus making bypass mode useful. To see the time displayed on the decoder front panel while the tape is stopped, set up the desired reproduce tracks with the repro command and then issue the command st=for,0,on.

For S2 drives, if the recorder is already recording and a speed different than what is use is requested, no change will be made and an error will be reported.

Mark III/IV examples:

st=for,320 #94(>



st=for,135 #94(>



st=rev,160 #94(>



st=rev,80,off #94(>



stack - head stack positioning by microns

Syntax: stack=cmdMw,cmdMr,calW,calR,woffset

Response: stack/cmdMw,cmdMr,calW,calR,woffset,actMw,actMr,


Settable parameters:

cmdMw Write head stack (stack 1) command position in microns. Default is not to move.

cmdMr Read head stack (stack 2) command position in microns. Default is not to move. May not be specified for VLBA.

calW Write head stack (stack 1) calibration to use: Forward, Reverse, or Uncalibrated. Only the first letter is checked. Default is Uncalibrated.

calR Read head stack (stack 2) calibration to use: Forward, Reverse, or Uncalibrated. Only the first letter is checked. Default is Uncalibrated. May not be specified for VLBA.

woffset Write head type offset. auto (default) to automatically adjust the head stack positions according to the write head type parameter in the head.ctl control file. For none no adjustments are made. The read head is always adjusted.

Monitor-only parameters:

actMw Actual write head stack (stack 1) position, microns.

actMr Actual read head stack (stack 2) position, microns. Null for VLBA.

deltaMw Difference of actual and commanded position for write head stack (stack 1), microns.

deltaMr Difference of actual and commanded position for read head stack (stack 2), microns. Null for VLBA.


This command is used to position the head stacks in micron units. An individual head stack may be moved by not specifying the command position and calibration to use for the other head stack. For VLBA recorders, only the write head stack parameters are used; read head stack parameters are reported as null. For Mark IV, the write parameters refer to head stack 1, read parameters refer to head stack 2.

The deltam parameters are reported with the sign of actual minus commanded.

The command positions reported by the lvdt, pass, and stack commands are consistent. See the description of the pass command for more information.

The head stack position in microns is determined by

position = cmdM + absolute offset (Forward calibration)

position = cmdM + absolute offset + for/rev offset (Reverse calibration)

position = cmdM (Uncalibrated)

where cmdM is the commanded position and the absolute offset and forward/reverse offset are specified in the head.ctl control file.

If woffset is auto, and the calibration is Reverse, and the write head stack is defined as odd in the head.ctl control file, then an offset of 698.5 microns is added to the write head stack position.

If woffset is auto, and the calibration is Forward, and the write head stack is defined as even in the head.ctl control file, then an offset of 698.5 microns is subtracted from the write head stack position.

If woffset is none, no offset is applied to the write head. The read head is always adjusted.

If the head stacks were last positioned with the pass or lvdt commands, the response calw and calr will correctly identify the calibration used. Odd pass numbers will be reported as forward calibrations, even passes as reverse calibrations. Positions commanded with the lvdt command are uncalibrated.

If the write head stack position is commanded, the auxiliary data field is set to reflect the commanded position, see the pass command for more information.

See the Narrow Track Calibration manual.

status - display current schedule status information

Syntax: status

Response: display of information

Settable parameters: none


A self-explanatory display of information concerning the status of the current active schedule is listed on the terminal, in the following format:

Active schedule is: name (name of current schedule)


------- ---------

ddd-hh:mm:ss Now

ddd-hh:mm:ss Start of next observation

ddd-hh:mm:ss End of next observation

ddd-hh:mm:ss End of current tape

ddd-hh:mm:ss Start of next tape

Schedule is (not) HALTed

Schedule stream is (not) time-blocked

(until ddd-hh:mm:ss)

Operator stream is (not) time-blocked

(until ddd-hh:mm:ss)

Current line of schedule is:

#nnn copy of current schedule line

sy - send a system command

Syntax: sy=command

Response: none

Settable parameters:

command The command to be sent to the system.


This command is used to execute UNIX systems from within the Field System. The UNIX command is executed under your default shell. Any response or error from the command will be displayed in the Field System Log and Display widow, the response will not go in the log.

Normally, if you need to execute a UNIX command, use the operator menu to open a new window temporarily and type your commands and see the output there. The sy command should be used only if there is a need for a system command in a procedure or schedule.

Any valid UNIX command that does not require input may be used. There is no facility for accepting user input when you use the sy command.

Since commands could take some time to execute and therefore tie up the Field System, it is recommended that commands used with sy be executed in the background. To have a command run in background and not wait for its completion, append an & to the command. If you do want to wait until the command finishes, do not use the &.

systracks - system track set-up (VLBA drive)

Syntax: systracks=st0,st1,st34,st35

Response: systracks/st0,st1,st34,st35

Settable parameters:

stX The recorder track that will have its output from the formatter placed on recorder track X, where X is one of the system tracks: 0, 1, 34, or 35. Default is itself, i.e., for st0 the default is 0, for st1 the default is 1, for st34 the default is 34, and for st35 the default is 35.


This command is used to define what data will be recorded on the system tracks. This can be used to duplicate data from one of the normal data tracks if that track has failed. Under Field System control, the formatter will not normally send any data to the system tracks, therefore if the default is used for any parameter's value, normally no data will be written to that track.

tape - tape recorder control and monitor (Mark III drive)

Syntax: tape=lowset,reset

Response: tape/lowsense,footage,fast,capstan,stop,tach,


Settable parameters:

lowset If off, tape may run off end of reel. If low (default), end of tape will be sensed.

reset reset to reset footage counter to 0, blank to leave counter alone.

Monitor-only parameters:

lowsense As monitor, this tells whether tape is actually at the low-tape point, i.e. off means not at low-tape.

footage Actual footage counter reading, 5 digits with leading zeroes.

fast Fast tape switch on front panel, fast or nor.

capstan Capstan is moving, or stop has been completed.

stop stop has been issued, or nonstop.

tach Tach is locked or unlocked, i.e. tape is up to speed.

ready Tape drive vacuum is ready or notready.

lcl/rem Switch setting, rem or lcl.


MAT module functions available.

tape - tape positions (S2 drive)

Syntax: tape=list

Response: tape/pos0,pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,pos7

Settable parameters:

list One of reset, one position, or list of eight comma separated positions. Positions are in units of seconds. unk maybe used to specify a position as unknown. uns must be used for transports that are not currently selected in lists of eight positions. reset is equivalent to specifying one value of 0.

Monitor-only parameters:

posX The position in units of second for transport X. unk is displayed for transpoorts with unknown positions. uns is displayed for drives not currently selected.


This command sets ("presets") or reports the position of the transports. It does not cause the tapes to move.

tape - tape recorder parameters (VLBA drive)

Syntax: tape=lowset,footage

Response: tape/lowset,footage,lowsense,capstan,tach,ready,


Settable Parameters:

lowset low (default) to turn on low tape sensor, off to turn off. Normally this sensor is always left on.

footage If reset, set footage counter to 0, otherwise set footage counter to footage.

Monitor-only Parameters:

footage Current tape footage counter, 5 digits with leading zeroes. Use the rec command to move the tape to a desired footage or to determine the footage.

lowsense low indicates tape is at the low tape point, otherwise off.

capstan Capstan is moving or stop has been completed.

tach Tach is locked or unlocked, i.e. tape is up to speed.

ready Tape drive vacuum is ready or notready. Null for VLBA2 drives.

vacuum Tape vacuum, inches of water.

chassis Chassis serial number.

error Error flag, hex. okay if no errors, otherwise the error flag bits represent certain error conditions. Refer to MCB protocol, word 74 for recorder.


This command is analagous to the Mark III tape command. The footage count as recorded in the log file will be found in the same location for both Mark III and VLBA systems.

If the drive type specified in the equip.ctl control file is vlba2, the footage parameter is not supported and the vacuum parameter is reported as null.

tapeform - specify tape format

Syntax: tapeform=pass,offset,pass,offset, ...

Response: tapeform/pass,offset,pass,offset, ...

Settable parameters:

pass The pass number whose offset follows, must be between 1 and 100 for Mark III and VLBA, between 1 and 112 for Mark IV.

offset The a priori offset, in microns, for the preceding pass, must be between 1 and 4000.


The passes and offsets must appear in pairs. Multiple commands are allowed because all of the pairs will not fit on a single line. The offsets are are used by the pass command to position the head stack(s) by pass number.

These commands appear in standard procedures named tapeforma, tapeformb, tapeformc, tapeformd, one for each recording mode. The appropriate procedure is invoked in the setup procedure. For example, sx2c1 and sx2c2 invoke tapeformc.

For Mark IV modes, passes for stack 1 should be between 1 and 12. For stack 2 passes, add 100 to the pass number for stack 1.

tapepos - position tape (Mark III drive)

Syntax: tapepos=footage

Response: tapepos/footage

Settable parameters:

footage The actual tape footage (as read on the counter) at which to position the tape.


This command starts the tape moving at fast forward or reverse speed (via an immediate ff or rw command) and time-schedules an et command such that the tape will coast to a stop at the requested footage count (approximately). If the request is less than 100 feet off, then nothing is done. The model used is:

dt = tacc*0.01 + dfeet/22.5


dt time between the ff or rw command and the et command

dfeet number of feet to move

tacc a parameter which accounts for acceleration and deceleration. The nominal value for tacc is 100, and is taken from the location.ctl file.

The correct value of tacc can be measured on an unloaded computer by issuing a tapepos=... command to position the tape. If the drive overshoots the command footage by efeet (negative for undershoot), the corrected value for tacc, rounded to the nearest integer, is:

taccnew = taccold - efeet/0.225

Tape drives that will not position consistently within a few feet may require adjustment.

For VLBA recorders, use the rec command.

terminate - end field system operation

Syntax: terminate

Response: none

Settabel Parameters: none


This is the graceful way to end operation of the Field System. Schedule execution is ended, log and schedule files are closed, all programs are removed from the system by oprin.

ti - list time-scheduled commands

Syntax: ti

Response: display of list

Settable Parameters: none


The current time-scheduled commands are listed on the terminal. Format:

ts nn @ dddhhmmss command

nn command or procedure index

t type

s : for schedule or ; for operator stream

dddhhmmss time the command will be executed

command the time-scheduled command.

This is a display-only command for debugging purposes.

tpi - read back total power integrators, cal off

Syntax: tpi=list

Response: tpi/readings

Settable parameters:

list List of total power integrators to read back. Standard detector mnemonics allowed.

Monitor-only parameters:

readings List of readings, counts. These values are stored for use by the tsys1/2/3 and tsysa/b/c/d commands.


For Mark III/IV racks, only USB or LSB total power readings are accepted; if another total power selection has been set up with the vc command, the reading is returned as -1. It is assumed the noise calibration signal is off.

For Mark III/IV racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: VC01-VC14, IF1, IF2, IF3. For VLBA racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: Lower Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, Upper Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, IFA, IFB, IFC, IFD.

tpical - read total power integrators, cal on

Syntax: tpical=list

Response: tpical/readings

Settable parameters:

list List of total power integrators to be read back. Standard detector mnemonics allowed.

Monitor-only parameters:

readings List of readings, counts. These values are stored for use by the tsys1/2/3 and tsysa/b/c/d commands.


For Mark III/IV racks, only USB or LSB total power readings are accepted; if another total power selection has been set up with the vc command, the reading is returned as -1. It is assumed the noise calibration signal is on.

For Mark III/IV racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: VC01-VC14, IF1, IF2, IF3. For VLBA racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: Lower Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, Upper Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, IFA, IFB, IFC, IFD.

tpzero - measure zero levels

Syntax: tpzero=list

Response: tpzero/zero levels

Settable parameters:

list List of modules for which zero levels are to be measured. Standard detector mnemonics allowed.

Monitor-only parameters:

zero levels List of zero levels, counts. These values are stored for use by the tsys1/2/3 and tsysa/b/c/d commands.


These zero levels are subtracted from all readings taken on the same module before system temperatures are computed.

For Mark III/IV racks, only USB or LSB readings are accepted; if another total power selection has been set up with the vc command, the reading is returned as -1. It is assumed that the IF distributor is set for maximum attenuation.

For Mark III/IV racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: VC01-VC14, IF1, IF2, IF3. For VLBA racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: Lower Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, Upper Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, IFA, IFB, IFC, IFD.

track - display antenna tracking information

Syntax: track

Response: tr yy/ddd.hh:mm:ss cmd1 cmd2 delta1 delta2

pr prd1 prd2 praz prel

co cor1 cor2 eqeq refr

Settable Parameters: none

Monitor-only parameters:

The tr line contains information from the tracking computer (all angles are in degrees):

yy/ddd.hh:m:ss year day and time of tracking computer

cmd1 first antenna command angle, x, azimuth, or hour angle

cmd2 second antenna command angle, y, elevation, or declination

delta1 tracking error for first command angle

delta2 tracking error for second command angle

The pr line contains predicted command angles based on time in tr line (all angles are in degrees):

prd1 predicted first command angle

prd2 predicted second command angle

praz predicted azimuth

prel predicted elevation

The co line contains calculated correction information (all angles are in degrees):

cor1 pointing correction for first command angle

cor2 pointing correction for second command angle

eqeq approximate Equation of the Equinoxes, seconds of time

refr refraction correction


This command is implemented as a special mode of antcn, which may not be available at all stations. The format of the output is station dependent and may differ, some entries may be missing, and there may be additional entries. This output is normally produced by antcn and each entry will begin with #antcn#.

The typical tr line is intended to display information about the tracking computer. The time, command angles, and deltas normally all refer to the same epoch and the deltas are displayed with the sign of command minus actual. The time can be compared roughly to the time field of the log entry.

The typical pr line contains the command angles and azimuth and elevation that antcn would have predicted at the time in the tr line. These angles can be compared to those in tr. If antcn faithfully replicates the command angle calculation of the pointing computer, the numbers should agree well. At some stations this may only be approximate. Some stations may not have this line if the command angles are calculated in the same computer as the Field System runs in.

The typical co line contains the pointing corrections that correspond to the current predicted command angles. The cor1 and cor2 fields are the pointing model corrections for the two angles. The eqeq field is the equation of the equinoxes which is a small correction to sidereal time. The refr value gives the refraction correction for the current command angles.

Additional lines of locally defined information may be displayed.

trackform - sampler assignments (Mark IV, VLBA rack)

Syntax: trackform=track,sampler,track,sampler, ...

Response: trackform/track,sampler,track,sampler, ...

Settable parameters:

track VLBA or Mark IV recorder track number whose sampler assignment will follow, must be between 2 and 33. For Mark IV add 100 to the track number for stack 2.

sampler For VLBA racks , the sampler that will be mapped to the preceding track, 0, or in the form nnsd, where nn=bbc number (0 through 14), s=sideband ( u or l), d is the data bit (s or m).

For Mark IV racks, the same syntax can be used as for VLBA racks. In addition the nnsd sampler code can have a +m appended, where m is the lag 0, 1, 2, or 3 when fan out is being used.


The tracks and samplers must appear in pairs. Multiple commands are allowed because all of the pairs may not fit on a single line.The first trackform command after a form=... command resets all the unspecified tracks to 0. This command specifies the how the samplers will be assigned in the next form=... command that uses either mode m or v. Please note that although tracks are specified as recorder tracks, this command assigns the samplers to tracks in the formatter.

The samplers that can be selected are determined by the rack type specified in the equip.ctl control file. For rack type vlba, only the first eight BBCs can be used. For rack type vlbag, up to fourteen BBCs can be used, but only the sign bit is available. For Mark IV two bits for each of 16 VCs can be used.

For both VLBA and Mark IV racks, only the first track of a VLBA style fan-out group needs to have a sampler assigned. For a Mark IV rack, the lags can be assigned to specific tracks. It is an error to assign a lag that is not generated by the fan mode selected. This error will be reported when the formmater is set-up with the form=... command. For example lag +3 cannot be requested for 1:2 fan-out.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses VLBA or Mark IV track numbers.

tracks - formatter track enables (Mark IV, VLBA rack)

Syntax: tracks=list

Response: tracks/list

Settable parameters:

list list of VLBA or Mark IV recorder tracks for which to enable the corresponding formatter tracks. The tracks may specified as values of 2-33, as the VLBA "groups" of tracks not including the system tracks (v0, v1, v2, v3), or as the Mark III tracks in with the corresponding VLBA "groups" (m0, m1, m2, m3). For Mark IV add 100 to the track number for stack 2.


This command specifies which formatter tracks will be enabled in the next form=... command that uses either mode m or v. Please note that although tracks are specified as recorder tracks, this command actually enables the corresponding tracks in formatter. Recorder enables (enable command) must also be turned on for data to be recorded.

Note that a VLBA or Mark IV track number equals the Mark III track number plus three. Consequently, odd Mark III tracks are even VLBA or Mark IV track numbers and vice-versa. See the Track Assignment Tables in the System Set-up Manual. Also VLBA group numbers equal Mark III group numbers minus one, but the VLBA groups include additional tracks. Note that this command uses VLBA or Mark IV track and group numbers.

tsys - compute and display system temps

Syntax: tsys1=list







Response: tsys1/systemps







Settable parameters:

list List of modules for which Tsys will be computed. Standard mnemonics allowed.

Monitor-only parameters:

systemps List of system temperatures, computed from values retrieved by the tpi, tpical, and tpzero commands. -1.0 means no current measurements available.


This command calculates and displays system temperatures for the different video and IF channels. The command pairs, tsys1/a, tsys2/b, and tsys3/c are synonymous. The calculations for the tsys1/2/3 and tsysa/b/c/d commands use the noise calibration values specified in the caltemp1/2/3 and caltempa/b/c/d commands, respectively. The formula is:

tsys = (tpi - tpzero) * (caltemp/(tpical-tpi))

tsys system temperature, as reported in tsys command

tpi cal-off reading, from tpi command

tpzero zero-level reading, from tpzero command

tpical cal-on reading, from tpical command

caltemp noise calibration source temperature, from caltemp command.

For Mark III/IV racks, either USB or LSB system temperature is computed and displayed, depending on the last-measured values for the total power.

For Mark III/IV racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: VC01-VC14, IF1, IF2, IF3. For VLBA racks, the readings are listed from the selected detectors in the order: Lower Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, Upper Side Band: BBC01-BBC14, IFA, IFB, IFC, IFD.

upconv - upconverter frequencies (Mark III rack)

Syntax: upconv=chan1,chan2,chan3

Response: upconv/chan1,chan2,chan3

Settable parameters:

chan1 Upconverter frequency for IF channel 1, MHz. Default 0.

chan2 Upconverter frequency for IF channel 2, MHz. Default 0.

chan3 Upconverter frequency for IF channel 3, MHz. Default 0.

Monitor-only Parameters: none


This command specifies the frequency of the upconverter for each Mark III channel. Use the lo command to specify the local oscillator frequencies.

The LO and upconverter frequencies are used by program pcalr and by the antenna calibration programs. These values along with the video converter frequencies are used to calculate the phase calibrator tone frequencies. For Mark III systems, the patch command should also be used to specify which converters are on each LO. For Mark III the effect of IF3 is automatically taken into account, i.e., do not include the value of the IF3 LO in the upconverter frequency.

upconv - upconverter frequencies (VLBA rack)

Syntax: upconv=chanA,chanB,chanC,chanD

Response: upconv/chanA,chanB,chanC,chanD

Settable parameters:

chanA Upconverter frequency for IF channel A, MHz. Default 0.

chanB Upconverter frequency for IF channel B, MHz. Default 0.

chanC Upconverter frequency for IF channel C, MHz. Default 0.

chanD Upconverter frequency for IF channel D, MHz. Default 0.

Monitor-only Parameters: none


This command specifies the frequency of the upconverter for each channel. Use the lo command to specify the local oscillator frequencies.

The LO and upconverter frequencies are used by the antenna calibration programs.

user info - user info set and monitor (S2 drive)

Syntax: user info=field,label,string,auto

Response: user info/field,label,string

Settable parameters:

field Field number, 1-4. No default.

label field or label, to indicate which to update. Default field.

string An arbitrary string with contents for field or label. No default unless auto is auto and field is 1 or 2, see comments below.

auto auto or literal. Default literal.

Monitor-only Parameters: none


This command sets the specified "User Info" field or label. If auto is auto, and string is null, and if field is 1, then field 1 is set to the station name (specified in the location.ctl control file) or if field is 2, then field 2 is set to the source name (specified by the source= command).

The usable length of string for all labels and fields 1 and 2 is 16 characters, for field 3 it is 32 characters, for field 4 it is 48 characters.

vcnn - video converter (Mark III rack)

Syntax: vcnn=freq,bandwidth,TPIsel,attenU,attenl

Response: vcnn/freq,bandwidth,TPIsel,attenU,attenl,


Settable parameters:

freq Synthesizer frequency in MHz, value must be less than 500.00 MHz. No default.

bandwidth Final filter bandwidth in MHz, default 2. Choices for Mark III are:

0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 0 (external filter).

Choices for Mark IV are:

0.125, 0.5, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 0 (external filter).

Value may be integer for bandwidths of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 MHz.

May include a trailing parenthesized number. See the comments below.

TPIsel Total power integrator selection. Choices are ul, l, u, if, lo, gr (ground). Default u.

attenU USB attenuator, 0 or 10 db (default) only.

attenL LSB attenuator, 0 or 10 db (default) only.

Monitor-only parameters:

rem/lcl switch setting, rem or lcl.

LOlock LO lock/unlock staus, lock or unlock.

TP total power reading, decimal.

Comments: MAT module functions available.

For Mark IV, the seldom used internal 0.25 and 1 MHz filters were replaced with 16 and 8 MHz filters, respectively, to increase the maximum bandwidth.

The bandwidth parameter can include a trailing numeric argument in parentheses. This argument is not parsed or checked. This capability is provided so that drudg can include the bandwidth expected for an external filter (nominal bandwidth 0.0) in the VC set-up command. This does not control the bandwidth used nor is it available in the command response. It is intended to assist the operator in setting up the experiment by identifying what external filter should be hooked up. It also assists the VLBA log reading program by identifying what the bandwidth of the external filter is supposed to be. As an example, to specify external 2 MHz filters, drudg could specify bandwidth as 0(2).

wakeup - ring bells to alert operator

Syntax: wakeup

Response: none

Settable Parameters: none


This command rings the internal bell on the terminal to alert the operator. At Haystack and Westford, *ERROR* appears on the video screen.

worm - estimate narrow-track inchworm velocities

Syntax: worm=stack,scale


Response: worm/stack,scale,fo,so,fi,si

Settable parameters:

stack Head stack to measure the speed of, read or 2 (default), or write or 1. Only the first character is checked. Only write is valid for VLBA.

scale Scale to use for speed measurement, update (default) or new. Only the first character is checked. The default uses the old scale and updates the speed in use.

Monitor-only parameters:

fo Fast out speed.

so Slow out speed.

fi Fast in speed.

si Slow in speed.


This command measures the inchworm speeds. It must be issued once with parameters to set it up. Issuing the command without parameters will start a measurement.

Measurements are made by moving the head stack for 1 second at slow speeds and 0.1 seconds at fast speeds in each direction. The before and after voltages are compared and the voltage scale for that head stack is used to calculate the speed. This scheme works best if the inchworm starts well away from the limits of its motion.

Either the current (old) or the new voltage scales can be used. The old scale is the one most recently read on Field System start-up from the head.ctl control file. The new scale is the most recently determined scale factor calculated by the hdcalc command.

wx - get current weather parameters

Syntax: wx

Response: wx/temp,press,humid

Settable parameters: none

Monitor-only parameters:

temp current temperature, degrees C.

press current barometric pressure, mbars.

humid current humidity, %.


In the standard version of this command, used when the standard met sensor package is available, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity are automatically read from the met sensor, displayed at the operator's terminal and written to the Field System log.

If a nonstandard met package is used, a special station-specific version of this command may be available.

If no electronic met sensor is available, a manual version of the command may be implemented. It may prompt for the required information as follows:

Enter current outdoor temperature (C):

Enter current barometric pressure (mbars):

Enter current humidity (%):

When the manual version of the command is used, the value for pressure is checked to make sure it's greater than zero, and humidity is checked to make sure it is between 0 and 100. A wakeup command should be issued before manual wx when included in a procedure in order to gain the operator's attention.

xdisp - extended display

Syntax: xdisp=on/off

Response: none

Settable parameters:

on/off on to turn on extended display, off (default) to turn off. When off, commands issued from within procedures are not displayed and ack responses from modules are not displayed. All responses are always displayed. When on, all commands and responses are displayed.

Monitor-only parameters: none


Immediate execution operator command.

xlog - extended logging

Syntax: xlog=on/off

Response: none

Settable parameters:

on/off on to turn on extended logging, off (default) to turn off. When off, commands issued from within procedures are not logged and ack responses from modules are not logged. All responses are always logged. When on, all commands and responses are logged.


Immediate execution operator command.

xyoff - x-y source position offset

Syntax: xyoff=xoff,yoff

Response: xyoff/xoff,yoff

Settable parameters:

x offset in X coordinate, in numeric angle/degrees format. Response is in degrees.

y offset in Y coordinate, in numeric angle/degrees format. Response is in degrees.

Monitor-only parameters: none


The antenna will move to the offset position when this command is issued. To return to the on-source position, issue this command with zero offsets.